Ta ta, January

And as January vents its last shuddering gasps, we dance happily on what will be its grave (just so it can see us do it) with the month-end abstract. . Plural, actually, and they all have a theme, though they didn’t have to, but such is the nature of nature abstracts. Sometimes.

During the first of the cold days, we’d get some patches of ice on the pond here and there, read more

Estate Find IV

Yeah, it’s liable to be birds for a while, though I missed my chance at some deer the other morning. I try to keep variety in mind, but at this time of year? Ya got birds.

The morning after the overnight snow storm, the sun broke out (which usually happens in NC, so credit for that at least,) and I was out using the light. The birds were extremely happy with the new selection of feeders that read more

Now in daylight

Naturally, I wasn’t going to leave the snow pics at just some night time exposures – not when we got such a decent, scenic coverage. It’s been a few years since we had a proper snow, and my basic attitude is, once a year, for photos’ sake, and that’s it.

Nothing too scenic here, just the northern portion of the backyard pond – the wood ducks from read more

I apologize, on behalf…

… of the host, because I didn’t do it.

If you came here in the past day and didn’t find anything, it’s because my website host switched their content to a new server, which I had plenty of notice was going to happen. And the main site went fine, but the blog disappeared entirely. I left it for a few hours, figuring that it was DNS woes of some kind (even though the main site, read more

‘Round about midnight

… I went out to get some pics.

The snow started in a very lackluster manner, just dusting the colder surfaces, and kept that up for hours, but by 11 PM it was getting more serious, and a little after midnight I went out to capture some night exposures. It was quite bright out there, from the low cloud cover reflecting the lights of the town to the streetlight on the opposite read more

Paalam, January!

I have a confession to make: I shot nothing even remotely resembling an abstract this month. We’re going with archive images to see January off on its ice floe.

Annnndd this isn’t really all that abstract, though I like it anyway. It comes from way back in 2004, I believe in Duke Forest, but someone may recognize that sun from somewhere else, and I’ll read more

A brief comparison

Just a couple of pics while it’s still slow.

I finished up sorting the other day (which is going through the folder of recent images, discarding those that fail to pass muster, and then moving the keepers into appropriate folders to locate them again easily,) and as usual, I pulled out a couple as curiosities, these being both the same subject. We’ll start with January’s.

Coming read more

That’s my cue

The sleet a few days back was unimpressive, the snow flurries before that almost embarrassing to speak of, but last night we actually got something that looked nice, and so I got out today to fire off a few frames and finally get a little more content here.

It helped that, like usual, we had sunny and clear skies following the storm (which wasn’t really a storm – more read more

On this date 56

We have another sporadic throwback today, a peek at what was happening in years past, and this time we have two from the same day, which was 11 years ago. As I suspected, it was a weekend, a Saturday to be precise, and following a snowstorm the previous day or so. I had gone out once the roads were clear to see what might be found that was scenic, but the snowfall wasn’t significant enough read more

On this date 9

Nine years ago, early in the morning, I was watching a pair of red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus) wheeling overhead and making a certain amount of noise – I was going to add, “as they often do,” but this is not necessarily true we certainly tend to notice them when they are, because red-shouldered hawks have a distinctively plaintive read more

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