I’m tired of ‘May’ puns…

… but it’s the end of the month anyway, so let’s see what that entails from the nonsense tradition of month-end abstract images that got started by accident, shall we?

sunset on facade of old hunting lodge in New York
Why, it’s the sunset on part of the Gatsby mansion that I’d stayed in on previous visits to central New York – not this time around (I was on my brother’s couch instead, not a comparable substitute,) but we had to go out there to check on some things anyway. For this frame, the glare from the sun’s reflection off of the glass helped set the exposure lower, giving a moodier look to the building, and I cropped tighter for better effect. I could have done without that stray wire in there, but whatcha gonna do?

And I have another abstract, though it’s a shameless repeat of others that I’ve done in the past, but I liked the colors and contrast and you probably haven’t seen the others anyway or have forgotten if you did, so here it is:

sunset colors on rippling waters of Cayuga Lake
Maybe I’m in a rut, but I like these kinds of images, in this case the hastening sunset over Cayuga Lake reflecting from the rippling water, essentially the ‘glitter trail’ that leads towards the sun itself (but falls short by, oh, about 93 million miles.) These two images were taken only nineteen minutes apart, the same day that we’d had multiple downpours, so not bad conditions for that.

May’s been a little bit slower month for photos than normal, but we’ll see what can be done about that shortly. I still have to check in on the osprey nests, for instance. Something will be along soon enough.

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