September toddles off

And so, we reach the end of September, or at least will in about 23 hours. This means we must, by tradition, leave it with an abstract image, though tradition has nothing to say about how abstract or what the exact definition of that word is, thank dog. Because that allows us to use things like this:

Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides semi-backlit with sun ray breaking across
Obtained just two days ago, this was one of two contenders for this vaunted position from the entire month of… well, not shooting much at all. But everyone loves Spanish moss, right? Everyone that matters, anyway…

Yet, we find that we have another candidate, from the very beginning of the month. And that looks like this:

raindrop acting as lens on rose petal
We know, we know, we know, we’ve had quite enough rain and dew drop photos at the end of the month, but this one has been sitting here waiting for us to do a post around it, which we never got to, so we’re slamming it down defiantly here and daring anyone to comment. Seriously, the comment section does actually work. You don’t even have to trust me on this, and can call my bluff.

Today is also International Podcast Day, but this is not likely to happen, given that we should have a truck to start unloading and the microphone is two hours away regardless. Maybe we will fill in a few days hence. No promises, now…

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