Walkabout recommends: Hogfather

This has actually been recommended before, at about this time of year, and I’m a little remiss in not making this a full post, especially two weeks ago or more to give people a chance to get it on their own. You can get it rushed to you in time for the new year, at least.

The movie in question is Hogfather, based on the novel of the same name by Terry Pratchett, an read more

I’m not ready for this

We’re once more into the nonsense blog trivia that would interest, oh, perhaps 1.29% of the population, but you did catch the ‘blog’ part, right? Good.

Today marks the 57th anniversary of the first flight of the Northrop HL-10 lifting body, and I’d intended to have a project done by now, but failed in that regard. So consider this a prelude for when it is done.

The HL-10 was read more

Don’t hold your breath

It’s a bit cold today, but that’s to be expected for the holiday, right? No, not the winter solstice, though it is indeed that, or at least it was at 09:20 UTC, so the daylight hours will be lengthening from here on out (until late June, anyway.) But the real holiday is Get Around To Planting Those Damn Things Again And See If it Works This Time, and so, I’m read more

Weathery day

This is unfortunately going to post the day following when the photos were taken, unless I type really fast. But the lightning app on my smutphone alerted me to the possibility of a light show, and I trekked the many kilometers (less than 2) down to the waterfront to see what was happening.

First off, I’ll note that the app is notoriously inaccurate for this area strikes were read more

A wee bit of fog

It was definitely a tad foggy this morning around Walkabout Estates Plus, and we elected to go down to the waterfront to see how thick it was down there.

It was.

I was thinking that it might be moody and shadowy, but this surpassed my expectations – the water practically disappeared immediately, because the air was still so the water surface was smooth and reflecting only the read more

Just once, part 51

We’re coming down to the wire now, especially since I already know what I’m going to use for the last entry. This one is kind of a last-minute changeup, since I’d originally slotted a bird in here but found that none of the single-appearance birds that I had in the list were wowing me, so we’re going with a plant instead.

And there’s a chance this has even appeared on read more

Nuh uh

My attempts to finagle a clear sky and/or some nice Geminids meteors failed, but the haze did produce a nice, wide lunar halo, which nonetheless took a much longer exposure to bring out than the moon required, so the moon got blown out in the middle. This is at 18mm and just barely got the halo in the frame – I could have gone wider with another lens, but didn’t deem read more

It just might work

Hmmm, Friday the 13th. The Geminids meteor shower peaks tonight. Now, my luck with meteor showers is uniformly bad, so much so that it’s a standing joke among, well, me, so I now consider this a regular state of affairs.

So, will the bad luck actually result in changing this? If I count on not seeing a damn thing, will the mystical daemons that assault people with trivial annoyances read more

Might have to get used to this

I was down in Walkabout Studios a short while ago…

[A brief explanation, because now’s the time to do it: the new house came with a finished basement room, partially below grade, that even has an outside door, and I immediately snagged this as my office/studio/lab/workshop/makerspace, because it’s largely sound isolated and has windows for ventilation and because read more

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