Just because, part 17

It’s been a long time since the last ‘Just because’ post, and I am truly ashamed. Or something. I am truly something…

This one has been kicking around in my blog images folder for a long time. It had been sized this way for a particular post, and I can’t even remember which one now, or what it was intended to illustrate. Other than, of course, being weird-looking as read more

Just an observation

We have a weird culture. The makers of edible, spray-on decorative food dyes in silver color are seeing a huge upsurge in sales right now, sure to come again around the end of October, for reasons that few could possibly have predicted. There’s nothing further I can add to this.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s okay – I’ll forgive you, eventually.

Where’s Aldo?

I should probably let the cutesy titles slide on occasion, especially when I’m reaching…

I mentioned the posts being thin, and this reason for this was that I was traveling – I mean, not the reason for mentioning it, but the reason for the thin posts… let’s leave my poor sentence structure behind and move on. Actually, we’re probably not going to leave read more


So, in previous posts I’ve made mention of several projects, and this is to announce that one of them, at least, has come to completion. If you think some of my topics don’t seem to fit with the nature of the website, this one’s going to be even worse.

I have just finished off my novelization of The Road Warrior, the 1982 film with Mel Gibson, and it is available as a free read more

A surreal break

Actually, this is intended as more of a break for me than for you, necessarily, but feel free to take advantage of it if you need to. Posting has been slow because I’m working on a project that I’d aimed to finish today (I’m close,) and so I’ve been putting my attention elsewhere. I know – the arrogance, right?

You are welcome to guess at what you’re seeing here, read more

No choice but to go green

Or, kinda chartreuse.

It is that season here in NC, when the wretched longneedle pines are shamelessly engaging in an arboristic orgy. Dissatisfied as they are with the rather gauche and needy technique of relying on pollinators like bees and butterflies, pines instead fling their emissions wantonly throughout the air, firmly believing in the concept of quantity over quality. If you fire enough rounds, read more


This is one from today that I just had to toss up here quickly. This is not a composite, or Photoshop job, or anything of the sort, but straight out of the camera. Almost, anyway – I did a slight color tweak sue me. But I honestly wasn’t expecting results quite like this.

Here’s what you’re looking at. These tiny bluet flowers (Houstonia caerulea) were growing from read more

Can’t ya understand plain English?

Some time back, The Girlfriend was delighted to find a stuffed toy version of a blue-footed booby, and who can blame her? Everyone should have one, and I know if I had possessed one while growing up instead of a neon-orange-and-white velveteen rabbit, I would be a different person today. I’ll just leave that hanging out there…

Around christmastime, somehow, it got one of those self-sticking read more

The struggle for an appropriate title

You’ll understand in a second.

So, there is a documented case of a woman named Mary Toft who, in 1726, claimed to have given birth to rabbits. Now, there are a lot of weird stories from a few centuries ago, mostly of the “so we are told” variety, and even today there are a number of medical marvels that we know of through supermarket media that somehow never have a thesis written read more

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