A figment of imagination

Photography has been a little slow for the past few days, though this is also due to my own lack of effort. Still, things occasionally pop up.

Take, for instance, the conditions on the pond a week ago today:

… versus today:


These guys (which would be yellow-bellied sliders, Trachemys scripta scripta, and eastern painted turtles, Chrysemys picta picta,) wasted no time read more

Walkabout approves…

… of these conditions.

These are all from yesterday, when the temperature here topped 18°c – not bad for December 30th, and I think it got even higher today. A cold snap is on its way, with the possibility of it dipping below -5°c, so these pics are in appreciation, and to refer back to when we’re not going out at all.

First off, the turtles put on a display.

That’s read more

Got warm today

Surprisingly so, like about 23°c, with even some sun for a little while. And don’t ask me how they know this when they’re mostly submerged, but the turtles were taking full advantage of it.

These two eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) were perhaps a little longer than your palm – hard to judge while out in the middle of the pond, while read more


Well, I did get out to chase turtles for World Turtle Day, and I present proof:

Hey, listen, even I’m saying, “Really? This?” But here’s the deal: There are tons of turtles in the neighborhood pond, which is no challenge at all, so I figured I’d make the effort to photograph a species that I hadn’t seen in a while, read more