Monday color 25

So, for this Monday color we have an image that’s faintly unsettling to me. Not for any peculiar associations I have with the Digitalis family (though in truth we haven’t gotten along since that incident at the airport,) but because the color seems off, and not able to be corrected in any way. It has the appearance of something that had originally been shot in monochrome, like read more

Monday monochrome

I felt like I just had to do this, for some reason…

Now, the intention was that this would introduce a new webpage I’ve been working on. But my time this week has been scattered, and so the page isn’t ready yet. Thus, this serves as a teaser instead, a hint of things to come. I’ll be back within a few days to provide the update and the link. Remain calm.

On composition, part 11: Nullhue

Or, if you’re less hip, you might know this as black & white, or monochrome, or greyscale (grayscale, what-evah,) or einfarbig. There are a lot of ways to accomplish it, but the first thing to consider is what you’re after. In times past, all photography courses required not only shooting in B&W, but developing it as well. I won’t read more

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