Miss Monday Monochrome?

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve had a couple of images set aside for this purpose, and just added a few more. Let’s see what we have now.

The color version can be found here, but in this case, after converting to individual color channels, I reduced read more

Tripod holes 25

N 28° 8’18.14″ W 80°37’49.41″ Google Earth location

This one’s precise – not of where I was standing, because the angle isn’t perfectly recalled, but certainly of the tree itself, which is still there despite this image being taken in 2003, I believe. I was cruising around at night on my bicycle looking for good subjects for B&W film and realized that read more

Tripod holes 16

N 36° 5’2.73″ W 79° 8’27.55″ Google Earth Location

Today’s image comes from the banks of the Eno River, not too far away from where I used to live, a secluded little creekside area that I would visit from time to time. To get this image, I had to be sprawled flat on my stomach on a rock on the banks, with my legs extended far enough into the water behind me that my read more

The return of Monday monochrome

I’ve been slowly building a small collection of experimental monochrome images and figured they might as well show up today, because who wouldn’t appreciate more grey on a Monday? Plus, it’s been a while since the last one, though less so if you count the crossovers

Anyway, here’s what I’ve come up with. Promise you won’t laugh.

I don’t read more

Just because, part 45

Some time back, I’d started noodling with a post idea and did a few slide scans to flesh it out, then never liked what I was producing and tossed it. But that gives us this slide, once again from a trip to Florida, representing the only image I think I have of ‘the Everglades.’

I mean, I have plenty taken within, but no others of it – nothing read more

Happy Two’sday

It’s 02/22/22 (or perhaps 22/02/22 if you’re unAmerican) which makes it Two’s Day, or maybe only Twoday – who knows? – and so, to celebrate something totally meaningless, we have two versions of a photo for you to consider. To subvert the entire idea, you can only pick one as your favorite.

This one I’ve had sitting in the blog folder for, gosh, it’s been read more

De sat Sat

Which, for those of you too slow on the uptake, is short for, “Desaturation Saturday,” dedicated (mostly) to monochrome images, also known as, “Sat de sat,” “Sabato senza colore,” and, “Quit relying on your stock images you lazy shithead.” Yes, once again we’re completely defeating the reason you bought that high-end color monitor (of read more

Must be Saturday

… and the Bay City Rollers are excited.

The first Saturday in November is Desaturate Day, as everyone knows. Well, everyone not living under a rock with worm tunnels between their ears, anyway. And thus I’m here to inspire you to wash out, go drab, and reduce it all down to black and white, because everything is simpler that way – for a given definition of “simple,” read more

Let’s provoke this party to commencing

I know we’ve all been looking forward to this holiday for the past month at least, so we gonna fire it up now! Today for Do Some Creative Editing Day, we’re gonna tackle some simple photo tricks.

I’ve covered converting images to monochrome before, read more

Throwup Monday

I felt the need to throw up some photos for today, but had no idea what to display, until I realized that it’s International Look Back and Wonder What Happened Day, and so I dug up a few photos from this date in past years. I’m not sure what it’s going to tell us, but hey, I didn’t make up this holiday!

One year ago

This Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) read more

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