On the negative side 10

So for our next negative from the mists of time, we have this authentic B&W image from Florida, back when I was experimenting with random films and developing them in the bathroom. It’s grainy partially from being old film, partially from being a time exposure in the dark, and partially from developing at a less-than-ideal temperature film does best read more

Must be Saturday

… and the Bay City Rollers are excited.

The first Saturday in November is Desaturate Day, as everyone knows. Well, everyone not living under a rock with worm tunnels between their ears, anyway. And thus I’m here to inspire you to wash out, go drab, and reduce it all down to black and white, because everything is simpler that way – for a given definition of “simple,” read more


I’ve had this one sitting in the blog folder for a few weeks, waiting for me to feature it, and now seems as good a time as any, since I missed the really cool date to do so. If by ‘really cool’ we mean, ‘might have been a neat coincidence if it weren’t for the fact that we could never know, but were far too late regardless.’ You know, that meaning.

Y’see, read more

Monday color. And monochrome. Again

I did the ‘Monday Color’ topic years ago, and a version of this post title too, but it’s time for a revisit – it says so right here in my personal blog topics calendar. Which is a good thing to have if you want to, you know, post regular topics (not looking at anyone named Bugg, here.)

Anyway, the color:

These are blossoms of a ‘Little Star’ lungwort, read more

And out the other side

I had originally lined these images up for a post several weeks back, but that was at the time that Mr Bugg was doing his own monochrome posts and was being snarky, and I wasn’t going to give him any satisfaction in that regard, but now that I just did something about ultra-violet light, I figured I could go to the opposite side of the visible spectrum and do infra-red now.

I had my fun with read more

Storytime 49

From a whopping 13 years ago, back when the continents were all different (well, they were,) comes to you this image from my very own darkroom, the last one that I had active. Over the years, I’ve had four darkrooms, actually, starting with my first (well, duh) in a spare closet back in NY, the only one without running water, but then the next three were read more

Auf wiedersehen, August!

So for August, we’ll have two month-end abstracts, and you can pick your favorite. Both were from central New York, a day-and-a-half and about five meters apart – well, my shooting position at least. The osprey (Pandion haliaetus) above was cruising past in the distance after sunset, with the light low enough that the shutter speed was too slow, yet the lens read more

Let’s provoke this party to commencing

I know we’ve all been looking forward to this holiday for the past month at least, so we gonna fire it up now! Today for Do Some Creative Editing Day, we’re gonna tackle some simple photo tricks.

I’ve covered converting images to monochrome before, read more

Storytime 14

This week, we have, ‘the other side of the story.’ Or perhaps, ‘what it really looked like,’ except that it’s not because it’s in monochrome and I still have color vision. Maybe it should be just, ‘what a photographer might get up to when experimenting.’

Thirteen years back, after discovering that my digital camera then could do infra-red shots with read more

Throwup Monday

I felt the need to throw up some photos for today, but had no idea what to display, until I realized that it’s International Look Back and Wonder What Happened Day, and so I dug up a few photos from this date in past years. I’m not sure what it’s going to tell us, but hey, I didn’t make up this holiday!

One year ago

This Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) read more

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