Still a little busy, but I wanted to get something up so the blog does not lie fallow, as they say (actually, nobody ever says that, except me now.) So a couple of quick pics and a video (not mine,) while we wait for me to put some actual effort into this whole thinly-veiled-narcissism thing.
First off, a video that The Girlfriend linked me to this morning, a wildlife camera on a particular log in the woods of Pennsylvania (you know, the woods in Pennsylvania – we all know where those are.) Quite a range of patrons.
This is the original link, in case it fails to play or if you want more info. This comes courtesy of Bush’s Pennsylvania Wildlife Camera (which is more credit than you’ll typically see on Facebook, for sure.)
Meanwhile, I’ll throw up a photo of Mr Bugg from a recent outing, since he doesn’t seem inclined to post any damn thing himself anymore – I’m not even sure why I’m linking to him at this point (and he certainly doesn’t link back to me, as much as he trash-talks me.) Anyway, he’s after the carpenter bee in the foreground there. The hat, you ask? Oh, that’s just an amateur nature photographer thing, where you apparently stuff your hat under your pillow when you get home, because crumpling it up makes it work so much better. Or something. We’ll go with ‘something.’
I have more photos from this outing, but they’ll require time to write them up a bit, which is lacking. I was also going to include the photo coming below with more exposition, then I realized that it doesn’t really need a lot. You’ve seen a variation before. When my brother visited, we had time for just a couple of hours out at Jordan Lake, which proved very quiet until this guy landed in the trees above our heads (not Mr Bugg there to the left, but the bird below all this stuff.) To get this image, I had to wade out into the open lake away from the tree to have a clear view, and my brother, unfortunately, was wearing the boots that he was going to have to wear on the plane in a couple of hours, so he couldn’t emulate me. As a result, he never really did get a good look at this cooperative and mellow great egret (Ardea alba.) And since he eschews virtually all internet use, he’s likely still not seeing it.
Anyway, more will be along, before the sun boils off into space.