Walkabout approves…

… of these conditions.

These are all from yesterday, when the temperature here topped 18°c – not bad for December 30th, and I think it got even higher today. A cold snap is on its way, with the possibility of it dipping below -5°c, so these pics are in appreciation, and to refer back to when we’re not going out at all.

First off, the turtles put on a display.

That’s read more

December gotta vamoose

I’m a little later than intended, but it’s still the 31st so we’re still good. However, my choices for the end of the month (and by extension, the end of the year) abstracts are not up to the occasion, despite my recent attempts. They are:

I mean, how could it be the end of the month abstract without water drops of some kind, eh? Yeah, I know I do them too often, read more

Got warm today

Surprisingly so, like about 23°c, with even some sun for a little while. And don’t ask me how they know this when they’re mostly submerged, but the turtles were taking full advantage of it.

These two eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) were perhaps a little longer than your palm – hard to judge while out in the middle of the pond, while read more

Missed it by… well, a lot

It’s now been sixteen years since the first post right here on the ol’ Walkabout Blogoblob, and that means it’s time for the annual podcast! [This is unfortunately accurate, for the past few years at least, but I’m intending to change that at least a little.] So let’s get right into it, shall we?

Walkabout podcast – 16 Years

I’m running late, partially due read more

Public Service Announcement

This is just a little reminder, for your sake and ours: Nature photography benefits from doing things correctly. Today, we’re going to talk about shooting through windshields. As easy as it might be, as convenient as it might be, despite the fact that your subject may not permit your attempt to avoid it by opening a door or window and leaning out, don’t shoot through windshields.

read more

Happy Webbmas!

It’s the third anniversary of the launching of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST, or “Juiced” – well, probably not that last one,) and in that scant amount of time, the telescope has been making hay with the amount of useful data that it’s been downloading to us, even after being read more

Just once, part 52

And so we come to the last of this year’s topic, with the realization as I type this that I don’t have next year’s lined up yet – but I’m typing this more than a week before it will appear, so I have two weeks, give or take, to contemplate the problem.

For now, we have a critter that’s appeared here just once, though I’ve photographed them twice read more

Don’t hold your breath

It’s a bit cold today, but that’s to be expected for the holiday, right? No, not the winter solstice, though it is indeed that, or at least it was at 09:20 UTC, so the daylight hours will be lengthening from here on out (until late June, anyway.) But the real holiday is Get Around To Planting Those Damn Things Again And See If it Works This Time, and so, I’m read more

Weathery day

This is unfortunately going to post the day following when the photos were taken, unless I type really fast. But the lightning app on my smutphone alerted me to the possibility of a light show, and I trekked the many kilometers (less than 2) down to the waterfront to see what was happening.

First off, I’ll note that the app is notoriously inaccurate for this area strikes were read more

A wee bit of fog

It was definitely a tad foggy this morning around Walkabout Estates Plus, and we elected to go down to the waterfront to see how thick it was down there.

It was.

I was thinking that it might be moody and shadowy, but this surpassed my expectations – the water practically disappeared immediately, because the air was still so the water surface was smooth and reflecting only the read more

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