I’m talking about me in the title, since I finally got around to a task which I’ve had planned – well, mostly – for weeks. I have to credit this to the holiday, celebrated the 3rd Tuesday in February after an election year where you realize far too many of your fellow citizens are utter fucking morons, which is If It Goes Another Day You’re A Worthless
Category: Video
Estate Find VII
Nothing exciting this week – with the exception of what’s already been posted, it’s been slow here, with a lot of rain, and believe me, I don’t consider Canada geese (Branta canadensis) anything remarkable. That said, as they started moving from the lower pond to the main pond right out back, we decided to see if we could habituate them a little
Now we’re talking
The saga of the red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus) continues apace, as The Girlfriend spotted something specific when one landed in the backyard trees, two mornings ago, confirmed with careful examination with the binoculars. Unfortunately, it didn’t persist long enough for me to bring the camera out and didn’t repeat its behavior later that day, or anytime
MMM boy, another Estate Find!
First off, as the title hints, this is the three-thousandth post on the old Walkabout Exercise in Thinly-Veiled Narcissism I really had planned to do something bigger, but nothing was coming to mind or hand, and now I’ve got this schedule to keep. Note that I formerly had a goal to reach this by the third week in September of last year, because reasons, but
Mostly good
So I did indeed get out to view the occultation of Mars by the mean ol’ moon (ours, I mean, not any of the other planets’,) and even snagged a couple of video clips. The nice thing was, Mars was bright enough to be seen near the moon with only a slight overexposure of the moon itself, so that worked out acceptably well.
You can see it easily down there at the bottom,
First off…
So let’s see, what have I got to cover today?
There’s the Quadrantids meteor shower peaking in a couple days (well, tomorrow night/Friday morning,) that should be visible for a few days on either side, so if the skies are clear, go for it. If it remains as clear
Just once, part 43
I find it a little amusing right now that, during the house closing thing when I knew we’d be busy, I set up several posts ahead of time to prevent any noticeable lapses in my posting “schedule,” but for the past month or so have had almost nothing to continue filling in, naively (or is that naïvely?) thinking that I’d be able to fill in here and there. It is to laugh. Seriously,
Just once, part 42
It’s been a while since we’ve had a mammal, hasn’t it? That’s because I have very few candidate mammals in the Just Once list, and too few mammals overall, really. But since the posts have been lean, we’ll have a video for this one.
Those are Asian small-clawed otters (Aonyx cinereus,) and were found at the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher, a new brood that had hatched
Just once, part 41
Hmmmm, what do we have here? I was just about to do this week’s Just Once post and decided on the specimen below, in honor of Halloween (which is when it originally posted nine years ago):
… which you gotta admit is a nice, ominous image, and as I said then, I wanted to do this in the yard some Halloween, or perhaps up on the rooftop. I never did get around to it, mostly
Just once, part 37
This week we have both a male and female bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus,) found in the tall grasses of Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. Now, why there has only been one appearance of them before, I cannot say, since they are found throughout the eastern seaboard, but it might have something to do with there being no fields of tall grasses and