Not this time

[As a pointless side note, I checked my original title of, “Not yet,” to see if I’d used it before, and I had, so then I had to check this one and it was safe. In the process, I’d found that I had 46 post titles starting with, “Not,” which strikes me as notably negative but then again typical. Still, that’s not (heh!) even 2%, so not a problem. Yet.]

A quick read more

Only those who risk going too far…

… can know how far they can truly go. That’s the way the saying goes, anyway – I’ve always felt that encouraging people to exceed their limits wasn’t the wisest of proverbs, but at least it gives them something to put on a tombstone.

However, I am vaguely motivated to put up even more photos, to see if I’ll set a new record this year, because the only person I’ll read more

Red light, green light!

We now resume our adventures in coastal South Carolina, and if you’re at all familiar with the state, you know that it is symbolized, on license plates and numerous other materials, by a crescent moon over a palm tree naturally enough, presented with the opportunity while there, I had to provide my own rendition.

I confess, again, that while out at the coast, I am usually up well before dawn read more

Let’s kick back again

And so I finally get back to more of the beach trip, but part of the reason for the delay may soon become apparent, especially if you look at the page load times or sizes of some of the images. As I said, fewer pics this time around, largely because I was doing other vacationy things like abusing my muscles and joints, but there still remains plenty to put into this post.

I was out read more


I’ve been saving these images specifically for this post, because I figured I’d slap them all up together. On this past beach trip, I ended up seeing more crab species than anything else, and producing some of the best images of the trip with them – of course, that’s a matter of opinion. And as I said, I did almost no insect photos, a rarity for me, but plenty read more

Sunday slide 17

I simply love the eye-bending quality of this one, and chances are you’ve seen it before. I think it was taken on the same beach trip as Sunday slide 5, early in the morning. That’s the best time to see Atlantic ghost crabs (Ocypode quadrata,) unless you like running around read more

Beach trip followup

This is worse than those weekly cliffhanger serials that used to be popular, both because it’s taking longer than a week for me to get to the next installment, and because it’s nowhere near as interesting…

The morning after the storm photos at the lighthouse, I was up early to catch the sunrise, but was delayed a bit because I had to change out the leaking tire. Since the Earth read more