Looking back on those we post in 2021

Okay, was that a particularly terrible title? I dunno, it had that certain cliché-trashing aspect to it…

Anyway, a look back at posts and photos from last year that I’m fond of, which you should definitely consider fair warning, because you’re not getting any others. There will be a couple more posts of a similar nature coming, one of them the annual tag roundup, so this will have read more

As the season clings resolutely

While the temperatures have (like most of the east coast) dropped significantly for the past two weeks or more, I think this is a phase before real autumn and winter, and the past couple of days it’s actually gotten quite comfortable during the day. This prompted a little activity that surprised me, but I’m not knocking it.

The treefrogs remain largely sequestered, because they’re read more

This, or nothing

I haven’t entirely been avoiding photography lately, but since what I’ve been seeing is more of the same from the past several weeks, I haven’t been running to get my camera too often either. This is just to show that I’m still kicking, and still maintaining some content, even if it’s just variations of the same damn things. Plus this brings me up read more

Local variants

The other day I did the rounds of Walkabout Estates to see what was happening among the nonhuman residents, kind of like a camp counselor but with a lot less chance of finding kids sneaking peeks at a bootleg copy of Emmanuelle vs Ghidra. What I did find, however, was a notable difference in the hue of the green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) that were snoozing for the day, read more

Still the same, still cute

I know I’ve been quiet, and it’s for a variety of reasons like projects, a bad keyboard, the waning conditions for critters, and simply that I’m only obtaining more photos of the same subjects. But then again, they’re still cool subjects, so I’m not going to let them languish in my folders for too long.

We’ll start with one from last month.

I like read more

Dew cute

Just had to post some very recent pics, since I was out in the yard during the wee hours of the morning (you know, about the time you often have to wake up and wee,) looking for mantids laying egg sacs. I saw none of those, dagnabbit, but did see the ubiquitous green treefrogs of course… and one other subject that I’m going to feature here. It was, in fact, the second such example of read more

Friday cuteness

Two specimens for you today, both within a couple of meters of the front door – I’m spoiled.

Last night while checking out Walkabout Estates for various nocturnal critters, I came across a diurnal one instead, which made it a lot easier to actually get the shots I was after. This one was camped out on the big Japanese maple right by the door.

Unless you’ve never read more

Here be dragons. Tiny ones. And bugs

Did another trip to the NC Botanical Gardens yesterday, to see what could be found, and the answer to that is anoles. Lots of anoles.

I have noticed that each year, the representative numbers of certain species seem to fluctuate, or at least according to what I have been able to find, anyway. While the botanical gardens have always been a good place to find Carolina anoles (Anolis read more

More and more

Yesterday I was working on clearing out the front ‘garden,’ what I’ve taken to calling “The Jungle” because it’s become ridiculously overgrown with some kind of disturbingly fast-growing and unkillable trees, vines, briars, and raspberry bushes – we haven’t decided what we want in there yet, so it hasn’t been receiving the attention it should. read more

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