Post-weekend Chroma

There must be a less awkward way of saying that…

Welcome to the first Post-weekend Chroma post, which nonetheless somehow seems familiar, though I did a title search and I certainly have not had this topic before. No matter. Today Buggato and I did an outing to Jordan Lake to see what was happening, since technically it’s spring now. And there were some read more

Who needs some color? Raise your hand

So, last night I finally got around to updating the Latest Images gallery, which had sat dormant for, seriously, don’t ask how long, mostly because I was posting all of my latest images instead. There’s nothing that said that I couldn’t put them in both places, for those who read more

I tried, I really did

There are a handful of benefits to maintaining a blog, especially if you do something “professionally” (leave the comments be,) among them providing backstories or amusing anecdotes, passing along tips, and just the general reassurance to everyone that you’re remaining active, and of course this bit requires regular content (which in and of itself provides writing exercise read more

Color week Wednesday

Today we go back to February 2014, as the cherry trees in a local park came into bloom. Seems like a simple shot, but it required finding a photogenic branch with a blossom catching the light from the right angle, and a short depth-of-field to have the other branches present but not distracting (enhancing the idea of a full tree instead of a lone branch,) and of course the blue sky for contrast. read more