Still green

I had a few of these images waiting for an opportunity to write them up (while giving a little space from the last post about them,) and just now, I added some more. The raptors from the previous lake trip are still waiting in the wings – a ha ha ha.

We’ll start with the oldest, dating back to September 20.

This minuscule juvenile green treefrog (Dryophytes cinereus) read more

But they’re cute

Yeah, back in a rut – or I never left, whatever you like. But these finds from last night couldn’t be passed up.

I semi-routinely check out the property, day and night, to see what can be found, mark progress, and so on. I’d like to think that I’m getting even better at spotting extremely subtle things, but there’s no real way to determine this, no ‘master list’ read more

Closing out

A few last photos for August, having obtained these just recently. My post and photo counts remain a little behind last year and/or average, but this is the way it’s been. Ya can’t change fate.

Glancing out the window, I spotted a butterfly species that I’d never seen before on one of the butterfly bushes (Buddleia davidii.) It flitted away as I watched, read more

Count on, and with, me

Yesterday I said I was eyeing a record for photos this year, but was running a little behind on what should be a fairly intensive end stretch. That had nothing to do with this. Nothing!

Okay, maybe a little…

I also mentioned needing to go around and chase fall colors, and so I did, kinda. I never left the yard today (well, yesterday now,) but found a decent selection nonetheless.

We read more