April’s been bugging me…

… and it needs to go now. But we have a consolation prize, in the form of a ladies’ Speidel watchband and a lovely month-end abstract to go along with it:

I’d like to say this was intentional and it wouldn’t have been hard to accomplish, but this is simply evidence that I accidentally hit the shutter release as I was finished taking a few frames of pre-sunrise read more

Shipping out

Yes, another month is kaput, and that means a photo dedicated solely to this, because it’s a tradition on the blog now and we all know how important such things are. That’s right, not at all even slightly a little bit. But we’re still gonna do it, as if extra-terrestrials aren’t watching us and shaking their cephalothoraxes.

Yeah, we’ve had similar before, read more

Nein, November

Hah, get it? Because ‘November’ actually means, ‘Ninth Month,’ since it used to be, until Julius Caesar introduced a new, slightly more accurate calendar and had to add two months to it so that Groundhogs Day would keep falling in February, and he liked the summer so he put the extra months in the middle and named them after himself and his Shetland pony Augustus.

Okay, that’s read more

Mom says you have to go now, October

And take your abstracts with you.

We have a handful of abstracts this month, more luck than effort really, though I admit the first here was wholly intentional. I set my alarm to leave precisely when I needed to, to arrive on site just as the light was hitting the ideal saturation and exposure values, and timed the ripples of the lake to fall exactly where they needed to in the frame.

Man, that’s read more

Storytime 41

Today, we’re going just two weeks back, to the beach trip Oak Island, NC, a quick getaway while we could, and while it was still warm enough to do so – okay, that was kind of misleading, because I’ve done beach trips in NC in the dead of winter. Some days are pretty nice, about like most people picture New England beaches, sweater or light jacket weather. So let’s read more

Monday color 4

For this week’s Monday color, we hearken back (not to be confused with harkening back) to 1991 I believe, during a training seminar for animal cruelty investigation being held in Nashville, Tennessee. I had some free time in the evening and was wandering around the downtown area when the sky was suffused with some very rich hues at sunset. Spotting the crescent moon in the sky, I quickly lined read more