
Okay, I have a bunch of photos I’ve been neglecting, so let’s get some of them out of the way first – there will be another post following this with the rest. Provided I don’t get even more in the interim…

I did make a trip down to one of the osprey nests, right around sunset because that would throw the best light on things, but only one osprey (Pandion read more

Distributed far and wide

I had planned to have a couple of posts pop up in this past week and was working towards some nice little presentations, but many things happened to prevent this and I simply did not have my shit together even slightly, thus the post title.

Foremost in there was something in recognition of World Migratory Bird Day, specifically some video, but I was having a devil of a time getting a decent audio read more

And now, the ospreys

Plurals among the animal kingdom are always fun, and occasionally up for grabs. ‘Prey’ is a collective term, but bears no relation to ‘osprey,’ and so the plural of that is ‘ospreys,’ even though I’m probably none too consistent on that aspect myself. The plural of ‘ibis,’ as I recently checked, can be either ‘ibis’ or ‘ibises,’ read more

A trend?

I got out and did a little shooting today, by heading down to Jordan lake while the skies were clear and the temperatures reasonable (meaning about 15°c, but a stiff breeze down on the water.) I wasn’t expecting anything, though I was hoping, and as it was, things fell someplace in the middle. The skies were empty and quiet, but before too long I spotted a lone bald eagle (Haliaeetus read more

No, no, October no home

Despite seeing the car in the driveway and lights on upstairs, we’re told that October has left the premises, and so we have no choice but to dig out the end-of-month abstract images to placate us. And what might these be, you say? [That was your cue, go ahead – time is money, sweetheart.] Why, they look a little something like this:

I should probably know what this tree read more

That’s a bit better

I was out on two photo excursions earlier this week, and the first made me distinctly aware that something was wrong with my autofocus. Well, mine was all right, but the camera’s was off noticeably, for damn near every frame. I provide some examples:

This is full-frame, and while it’s taken at 600mm, the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) wasn’t that far away – read more

On our way

While we had several warm spells far earlier than normal, interspersed with some overnight lows dropping below freezing, I think spring is getting a toehold now, and the critters and plants are on schedule. The Insoluble Mr Bugg and I went down to Jordan Lake Friday for a late afternoon and sunset shoot, and there were a few subjects to be found, though it’s not quite the active season yet. read more