I’m pleased

You didn’t think I was just going to leave you with one eclipse pic, did you?

I’d been eyeing the weather reports all week, because we’ve been having spates of thunderstorms and sudden showers, and they called for partly cloudy conditions Sunday night when the eclipse was occurring, so I wasn’t getting my hopes too high. Nonetheless, when the day had remained mostly sunny, read more

Visibly different, part 20

Sometimes – sometimes – it all comes together nicely. I can appreciate it the few times that it does.

First off, this looks so crappy because I didn’t feel the need to try and clean it up, mostly. Some of it is due to age, however, and the general shortevity (that’s a word, honest) of print film/negatives. But this is the first total lunar eclipse that I’d read more

Not even 24 hours

Man, I didn’t even make it a full day with an empty ‘Sort’ folder before adding to it, and I’m far from done for the evening. People tell me I’ve got a problem, that I “need to seek help,” but that’s nonsense – I can quit any time I like.

Just not right now – there are more images to capture. Can’t let someone else get them while I read more

Not ‘arf Wednesday

I was out on the road a little too far from home (where my camera, long lens, and tripod sat) when I spotted the moon rising above the trees – blood red, dim, and of course looking huge. First off, if you know what time the moon rose this morning you may be wondering why I was on the road at that time, but bug off. Anyway, I liked the color but knew it would be unlikely to still be that color read more

Today’s sorting find

It’s funny – when sorting photos into their respective folders (or, often enough, deleting them from the drives,) I often find something to comment upon, or something that I meant to feature earlier but forgot about. In this case, it’s a detail that I didn’t notice at the time, and “the time” was the day following the read more

29 minutes of playtime

Going out for something last night, I noticed the moon was sharp and in a good position up over Walkabout Studios to take advantage of, and decided to fire off a few frames. I did not, despite the previous post, bother to try for some meteor photos – that would have come much later in the night hours (technically the wee hours of the morning) as the moon dropped lower, and I had no intentions read more

Moments to go

Pushing this one a bit, but you know what today is? No, I’m not talking about that bogus gif holiday – please. You weren’t fooled by that, were you? I’m talking about Shoot The Moon Twice In Different Phases Day, and I’m happy to announce that I was successful in this.

First off, I was out about 1 AM, and did this one.

Really, nice detail and contrast read more

Try and try again

Went out last night as the crescent moon was coming close to setting and tried a few shots, especially trying to get earthshine in there, with poor luck – just not nailing focus, and the necessary exposure for the earthshine was allowing too much vibration. However, I did capture a neat little detail, creating what I call my album cover.

Those lines of light are from an airliner, read more

Are you kidding me?

I’d seen the skies looking quite clear yesterday evening, the first time in days, so I thought I’d try for the meteor storm, and early this morning (like a little after midnight,) I drove down to Jordan Lake, the best night sky spot in the area, to see what I could see.

The first thing was, the humidity was very high and the haze had rolled in, so only stars of higher magnitude were visible read more

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