
Just the last handful of photos from Tennessee and New York, no real theme to be found.

We didn’t do a lot of sightseeing or exploring on this trip, partially because we had to spend a lot of it traveling, partially because it was freaking hot in Tennesee. On Wednesday I believe, we moseyed over to David (Davey) Crockett’s Birthplace State Park, just to poke around a bit, but read more

Living in the past XXVII

An abstract from 2015, one that came out very well – this is not bragging (well, much,) but recognition that the odds played out in my favor. The reflections are all from the sun on rippling water, so each of those sparkles was only there for a millisecond in time – it would be easy to have too many clustered together, or too few, but the line meandering up the frame read more

November is not

Not after today, anyway. And that means we have the end-of-the-month abstract to deal with, because it’s tradition now. Meaningless ritual. Completely idiotic superstition. You know the deal.

Definitely abstract this time, if not a bit hard to fathom, but this is the glitter trail of sunlight reflected from slightly choppy water, seen through the needles of a bald cypress (Taxodium read more

You’ve done enough, April

Why, look – it is the end of yet another month! Boy, they just don’t seem to last anymore, do they? Back in my day, months lasted a month and a half, especially during the school year. They weren’t made in China, either.

But this means it’s abstract time. You still have a chance to redeem yourself, April, if you pony up the goods right now.

That… almost read more

De sat Sat

Which, for those of you too slow on the uptake, is short for, “Desaturation Saturday,” dedicated (mostly) to monochrome images, also known as, “Sat de sat,” “Sabato senza colore,” and, “Quit relying on your stock images you lazy shithead.” Yes, once again we’re completely defeating the reason you bought that high-end color monitor (of read more

September?! We don’t need no September!

September’s end-of-month abstract is a small section of the full frame, but doing it this way highlighted the details better. This came from a session which produced more than a few interesting images, but [broken record repeating sentence fragments about lack of time and all that horseshit]. I think I’m gonna hire a secretary or something. Anyway, you’ll see more read more

Two views

I have a couple more posts in the lineup right now, but I think I only have time for one this morning, so we’ll just have to see when the others arrive. It’s a shame, because one is pretty damn interesting, but I doubt I can do it justice if I rush it, so we’ll go with something more visceral and less thoughtful at the moment.

It’s gotten to be the dead season around here, read more

November’s abstract (a day late)

Dammit, I meant to post this yesterday, and forgot all about it. I’m disappointing my legions of readers…

While I’ve had it in the back of my mind to maintain this new ‘tradition’ of posting an abstract at month’s end, it hasn’t worked out for every month. But I knew this one was in the running the moment I saw how it had turned out. With read more

All too brief

On Sunday, the temperature topped 22°c (72°f,) making me break out the sandals for the first time since November – they’re my summer footwear, if I’m wearing anything at all. I had a student, and these images came from our session out scouting conditions and planning for the busy season come spring. It was easy to believe it was here already.

Then came Monday, with the read more