They are if I say so

I have a tendency to lump reptiles and amphibians into the same general classification, including within my stock categories, even though either is just as close to, say, badgers – the phylum Chordata is the last common point for all of them. But fine – you want me to make a separate post to break them all out? Is that what you want? Because I’ll do it if you want.

On a trip to read more

Revealed yet hidden

So, the image I am about to show you can be considered creepy by a lot of people, I suspect largely through social conditioning, but whatever the reason, I’m suggesting you get over it the amount of information and fascination that can result is a lot more interesting and useful than shuddering and saying, “Ewwwww!” And it’s not all that bad anyway.

Several years back in read more

All right, am I redeemed slightly?

I recall apologizing for posting so many little creepies, and promised to try and find something cute, but that never did come to pass, did it? I simply wasn’t ever running across anything cute – I think I’ve glimpsed a rabbit in the past few months, and when the bluebirds hatched, they bailed the nest and the yard in a matter of hours. Anyway, a trip to the park today may have read more