But this one did

Not every project that I tackle comes to fruition, and I’m forced to abandon more than a couple (like the tracking motor to use with the eclipse, for instance.) But, as the title says, this one did.

For the record (Hah! I keel me!) this was the previous incarnation of it mentioned within the video. But here’s what I was dealing with this time around:

I have a decent audio recorder, and a decent lapel microphone. But the mic is intended for use with smutphones, and so has the quad-pole connector that those use, which allows for earphones and phone controls. This does not play well with the audio recorder designed before those were in constant use – that instead wants a tri-pole connector (stereo.)

I still have the little microphone seen in that linked post, but its audio quality is not very good and produced too much residual noise, more than I really wanted to edit out (especially since, with ongoing ambient sounds, there was no way to record a patch of ‘silence’ as a baseline to subtract this residual noise.)

So I switched to using the nice lapel mic with the smutphone as a recorder, but then went through three different audio recording apps before settling on the fourth, since the others wanted to do their own thing with auto-levels, essentially deciding what the base volume (okay, gain) should be. This produced some really terrible effects, given that the ambient sounds could get quite loud, especially in the height of cicada season, and quite variable, with the goddamn traffic too close by. What this produces is a lot of warbling and vague underwater-like sounds, very unrealistic and distracting.

Those ambient sounds were quite a chore in themselves, since at times the cicadas really started winding up, and diesel trucks were passing, and so on. The day I chose for the video above was the quietest of all my attempts, and you can hear how un-quiet it really was.

And then, once I got decent audio, it was time to synchronize it with the video – which came with its own audio track that was quite useful in itself, though it captured absolutely none of the nest sounds. Meanwhile, the nest mic captured too little of the ambient sounds, making the adults seem incredibly distant. That’s what they’re made for of course, to record the wearer and not everyone else, but it did mean that I wanted to keep both audio tracks.

Since I simply set the smutphone to record in its position underneath the nest and left it there, it produced one long recording track, while I was able to start and stop the video camera as appropriate to the action and lack thereof. This meant that I had four video tracks of two to five minutes and one audio that was eighteen minutes long, with ambient noise none too distinguishable throughout. You know those little clappers that you see right before they shoot a movie scene? That’s what those are for: syncing separate video and audio tracks. Without such a thing, I was forced to sync them by finding unique sound fragments that appeared in both recordings, such as some other birds and distinctive passing vehicles. Note, however, that these largely had to be down to fractions of a second, or curious ‘echoes’ would be produced by the sounds that carried onto both tracks but weren’t perfectly aligned. There may be methods to jog the track alignments by milliseconds in the editing program that I used, but if so, I didn’t know where it was, so I was doing it by twitching the mouse – a bit tedious.

screenshot of Kdenlive editing program showing the subject video
Once these were aligned, then I had to trim them down, ensuring that all tracks were cut in the same place and stayed aligned. Add in selecting the right gain for each (boosting the nest audio slightly, reducing the videocamera’s by an almost-equal amount.) Once satisfied with the running edit, then I had to record the voiceover track on another program while watching the video, clean that up, insert it into the video editing program, and then play with the gain and synchronization on that. Oh, yeah, and add in the title and close images.

And then, upload it to Vimeo and do all the little doodads that that requires. This means a five-minute video can take several hours to get together – be nice if it better reflected all this effort, right? Keep your commentary to yourself.

So while I like including video and know that this comes with its own learning curve, sometimes this drags on a bit, you know?

* * *

For the record, I am presently using Kdenlive for the video editing, and Audacity for the audio – both extremely capable programs for completely free software. For the nest recording, this was through ASR Voice Recorder from the Google Play Store (yes, Android.) But I also can’t stress enough how much easier it is when your microphones are decent. The lapel mic was a solid find from some generic source, far less expensive that its capability reflects, while the main recording mic on the desk (voiceovers and podcasts) is a Samson G-Track – expensive, but I picked it up used and it’s been superb.

Just once, part 20

Gulf pipefish Syngnathus scovelli in author's aquarium
This week we go back twenty years and two weeks, to see one of the many species that I collected and kept in the saltwater aquarium briefly to get a few detail pics. This is a gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli,) a close relative of sea horses as you might have guessed, and pretty common in the Indian River Lagoon near where I used to live, this being Florida. I’m not exactly sure this was my first encounter, but I recall grabbing a handful of weeds to feed the other occupants of the aquarium and finding something wriggling within. [As a side note, nothing actually ate the weeds, seen in the background here, but instead fed upon the algae, isopods, and organic debris collected within.] Generally in the range of 80-100mm in length and slow swimmers, pipefish rely more on staying hidden and camouflaging themselves, and they were extremely good at this in the particular area that I was finding them, because it was near several longneedle pine trees that overhung the water. The needles themselves are all attached to a common base stem off of the branches, and when the needles were gone the bare stems (that would detach themselves from the trees and fall into the water,) looked exactly like a pipefish, or vice versa. I couldn’t tell you how many times I was snorkeling and thought, Ah, another pipefish – no, forget it, that’s just one of those damn pine stems, as well as a couple of times saying to myself, Another pine stem – no, wait, that IS a pipefish.

gulf pipefish Syngnathus scovelli profile in author's aquarium
I could never keep these guys long in the aquarium, because it never carried their preferred food – except once. One of the grass shrimp had produced young, a cloud of them drifting through the water no more than 2mm in length, and two pipefish were knocking those down like popcorn, more animated than I’d ever seen them. I managed to capture one of the newborn shrimp for detailed macro photos, which was a challenge in itself (I’ve improved a bit since then,) but the tank was devoid of the shrimplings within an hour.

By the way, the pale pancake-like fins seen in the image at top are actually egg cases for the kings crown conchs, though I never saw these hatch out. But also in there is a small, unidentified crab, right among the conch eggs and tucked neatly within the curve of the pipefish’s body – all you can really see is a mottled grey thing, though if you look very closely you’ll make out a couple legs at top of the blob. The crabs and the pipefish ignored one another and lived in quiet harmony within the tank, as did most of the denizens. The kings crown conchs, however, were rapacious carnivorous snails that fed on other snail species and could scour the tank clean of such within days, so they never stayed long either.

Distributed far and wide

I had planned to have a couple of posts pop up in this past week and was working towards some nice little presentations, but many things happened to prevent this and I simply did not have my shit together even slightly, thus the post title.

Foremost in there was something in recognition of World Migratory Bird Day, specifically some video, but I was having a devil of a time getting a decent audio recording, largely due to the utter racket of the cicadas right now; I do have decent recordings of those, however, and they sound like this:

Brood XIX, 13-year cicadas in 2024

Amongst all this were issues with recorders and auto-level effects that I did not want, microphones that were inadequate for the job, a ridiculous amount of traffic on the road not far enough away, and so on.

But while I was out getting the first audio clip, late last week, I started tracking a distant, repeated call that was intriguing, and eventually drew quite close to it, helped considerably by its repetition over a period of several minutes – that’s practically unheard of for bird calls.

Always the same ol’ song

I didn’t fully recognize the calls, though I recognized the producer once I spotted it – the pitch seemed quite different from what I’d encountered before, and the repetition seemed atypical as well, but I could clearly see the bird’s head bobbing during the calls, so there’s no question that it was this guy:

red-headed woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus calling repeatedly in a seemingly anxious manner
That’s a red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus,) in adult plumage to boot, so not a young one asking for food or anything – it’s too early in the year for that anyway. I would have combined the audio with video, except that I didn’t have the tripod with me and you really don’t want to see video shot at 600mm handheld.

But on World Migratory Bird Day itself, I was out checking the status of some osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nests, on the odd chance that someone had hatched. For the first, I shot a little video – nothing elaborate, but hey, I was making the effort, right?

Bear in mind that I was using the shotgun microphone aimed directly at the nests, which greatly reduced the ambient noise off-axis, as well as reducing the audio track in the mix afterwards – it was noisy as hell, is what I’m trying to say, but that’s Saturday morning for you. And yes, I was shooting east in the morning, hardly the time to be doing so, but it was when I was available to do so. I’ll be checking back a little later on, when it’s a sunny afternoon (it’s been raining all day as I type this.)

We’ll have some still photos from that session as well.

adult female osprey Pandion haliaetus still sitting on eggs without evidence of hatching
This is the closer one – 75 meters, maybe? I have no way to measure it with any degree of accuracy.

adult female osprey Pandion haliaetus sitting on other nest
Cropped a lot tighter for this one, since it was at least three times farther off – it won’t provide any decent photos unless I’m there right as the young are learning to fly, but it’s in the same area, able to be seen with just a slight turn of the tripod head, so I take the opportunity while there.

adult male osprey Pandion haliaetus hanging out near mate's nest before eggs have hatched
And this is the mate of the one immediately above, not too far away from the nest and simply hanging out. As I said in the video, this will change soon enough, and he’ll get a lot busier.

These were in a marshy stump field a little ways from Jordan Lake, but then I went to a location on the lake itself to do more checking. I could see nothing regarding the nest there, since it was harshly backlit and at a much greater distance, but then a shadow crossed me as something passed in front of the sun, and I looked up to find this one:

adult osprey Pandion haliaetus passing close overhead
I wasn’t watching anywhere close to the sun, since I like not being blind, so I would have missed this one had it not conveniently thrown some shade. By the way, this is full frame, not cropped at all – my little friend here was close.

The bay where I was is half-shrouded by trees, so losing sight of any given bird takes place often, but given the time frame, I’m reasonably certain that the same one reappeared a few minutes later and was half-heartedly hunting some distance off, backing suddenly as it spotted something below, but then resuming its casual circling as it decided the prey wasn’t viable.

adult osprey Pandion haliaetus backing as it spots potential prey
This looks like it’s descending for prey, but it never dove as I watched – just paused and semi-hovered in midair, watching the water, the moved on again.

Much later on and further around the lakeshore, I heard some osprey calls pretty close by and one hove into view almost directly overhead, which I have determined is about the worst place for me to get decent pics – I just can’t crane backwards with the long lens and keep the camera steady enough. But as it passed and I could adopt a more natural pose, I snagged some acceptable frames.

adult osprey Pandion haliaetus fleeing from eagles with captured fish
There remains the possibility that this is the exact same one, since it appeared from the direction that the previous had disappeared towards, but there are enough osprey at the lake that this is hardly conclusive. I could immediately see that the osprey was being followed, but I didn’t make out by what – it initially looked like a crow, though I immediately raised the camera to my eye and was concentrating on snagging the closer bird instead. And the reason that it was being chased was clear enough; someone believed that the bullhead should be shared.

As the osprey was getting further off I switched to the pursuer, which didn’t help much at all, given that I was seeing it from directly behind and still largely backlit.

juvenile bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus pursuing osprey with fish
Even as a still photo enlarged far beyond what could be seen in the viewfinder, this is pretty inconclusive, though some hints remain, and I do have to say that the pursuer was flapping as rapidly as a crow, even when I’ve never seen a crow attempting to chase an osprey (and we have plenty of them around here, believe me.) But as the pursuer turned more broadside, I got a couple of frames that were good enough for identification.

juvenile, probably second year, bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus pursuing osprey with fish
That’s definitely a bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus,) almost certainly second year, and I believe this was about the time that the eagle realized that it wasn’t going to catch up with the osprey. Given a little altitude, eagles can dive and pick up a lot of speed, but down near the water in level flight, they’re slower and far less agile than osprey. I did not at all get the impression of how big the bird was, like four times the size of a crow, but I admit to not really focusing on it until this point.

Also, eagles are not really migratory, so they don’t count for the holiday, and I shouldn’t even have been wasting frames on them at all. Which includes the pair that were higher overhead while this was going on, apparently also trying to keep tabs on the osprey.

pair of bald eagles Haliaeetus leucocephalus, one apparently a four-year-old, cruising overhead together
These both have white heads, but the tails aren’t as distinctively white and the upper one still shows mottling beneath the wings, so I’m going to call both of these four-year-olds, just transitioning into adult coloration. There had been no sign of any of these until the osprey appeared with the fish, and I wonder where they’d been hanging out – it could easily have been hundreds of meters away and the pursuit had been going on for longer than I suspected.

And that’s all that I ended up getting for the holiday, but if you’ll excuse me, the rain appears to have stopped and I might have the opportunity to snag what I couldn’t on the weekend. Stay tuned…

Just once, part 19

fairy wasp, perhpas Mymar
The singular appearance of this one herein may solely be my own fault – or it may not. But that’s why you come here, right? For the definitive answers?

This is a species of fairy wasp, of the Family Mymaridae, potentially of the genus Mymar, and it looks this vague and indistinct because it’s really tiny. I mean really. As in, the body length is in the range of half of a millimeter, so we’re at the limits of resolution for the lens I was using, which was the reversed 28-105. I was photographing other subjects in a macro aquarium when it landed on the glass in front of me and I could just make out a speck moving around, so I refocused onto it for this image. Only afterward, examining the image at full resolution on the computer, did I realize that I had found something really weird. Because yes, those are its wings, not even apparently sufficient for a fan, but given the minuscule mass of the insect, sufficient to propel it around.

fairy wasp Mymaridae, perhaps Genus Mymar, scaled against newborn Chinese mantis Tenodera sinensis at same magnificationI only know the size of it this accurately, which is not terribly so, because in the same session, I photographed a newborn Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis), both seen here at full frame, and I was able to obtain an acceptable measurement of that with my calipers, very gingerly; the eyes are less than 2mm across, closer to 1. Those wings, of course, helped to pin down the Family at least; the Mymaridae are parasitic wasps, which means they lay their eggs into the larva of other arthropods or even, like this Family, into the eggs of those, hatching out into the developing young and eating them from the inside. Not as cute now, is it? Okay, maybe you never thought it was cute to begin with…

So, have these remained unseen since then because they’re pretty scarce in the area, or because I have never sat down and peered nearsightedly at every little moving speck that is within reach? That’s a good question, though I can say that the latter is true enough; I tend to forget about these until reminded again. Since I found this one at this time of year (realizing I could have posted it a day after its tenth anniversary, last week,) I should be looking again, though whether I could get any better images of it now remains to be seen (heh!) – the details of it are small enough that light refraction starts to play a significant role, and even under the microscope I may not achieve a lot better detail without image stacking. Which I need to be trying anyway. Excuse me while I go out and stare at surfaces a couple centimeters from my nose…

This weekend

Or specifically, this Saturday (May 11th,) is World Migratory Bird Day – sorry I didn’t let you know sooner, but if it were really important to you, you’d already know anyway. So I’ll take this opportunity to throw down some migratory bird pics from earlier.

trio of least sandpipers Calidris minutilla standing on mud flat
Down at Jordan Lake the other day specifically to get some audio recordings (which you’ll hear later on,) I was following a particular bird call when I came across these three, who let me approach far closer than I expected. They didn’t make the calls that I was following, however, not a sound at all, which doesn’t help with identification. Here, they were standing as if stranded by the incoming tide and unwilling to get their feet wet. They were quite small and acting like juveniles, but it’s too early in the year for that, so I had to assume they were adults, potentially still in breeding plumage. I didn’t think they looked much like the spotted sandpiper that I’d photographed earlier, only forty meters or so from this spot, but that was the best I could initially say, since I’ve never studied to tell the various sandpipers apart.

least sandpiper Calidris minutilla debating about entering the deep end
It’s things like this that actually delay some posts, because I already know that distinguishing sandpipers can be a bear and I often don’t feel like doing the research for a post, not at all helped by my obsession with being correct – I know, that sounds funny when you see some of the posts where I’m vague, but I really do make the effort. And it would seem that these are least sandpipers (Calidris minutilla) – the size, patterns on the wings, lack of white spots above the eyes, and yellow legs seem to point in that direction, and their reluctance to wade seemed to cinch it. Like the spotted, quite common, I just haven’t been seeing any up close enough for decent pics until this year.

And these really did allow “close.”

head-on shot of least sandpiper Calidris minutilla on mud flat
This was at f8, so not particularly short depth-of-field, but not long either – it’s the high magnification from the focal length of 600mm, used at only about five meters or so, that gives the shorter focus, but it stayed locked onto the head, which was what I wanted. Nice detail from the forehead feathers and the beak.

least sandpiper Calidris minutilla preening
In fact, as I stood there, not at all camouflaged or doing anything more stealthy than standing still, a couple of them started preening, completely unconcerned with my being this close. I’m not even sure I’ve seen Carolina wrens that blasé with my presence, like they thought their covering sniper had me locked in the crosshairs or something. Unlike the other shorebird that I stalked while out there:

killdeer Charadrius vociferus maintaining a safe distance
This is potentially the best portrait I have of a killdeer (Charadrius vociferus,) because they’ve been really spooky every time I have the camera in hand – this seems especially true around Jordan Lake, but they encounter plenty of fishingfolk, partiers, and dogs around there, so I can’t really blame them. This one arced back and forth around me, out over the lake, and paused only briefly on the shore, flying off loudly before I even drew close enough to pose a threat, I would have thought; does this mean they’re really cautious, or there were other reasons that this one was taking flight back and forth? Can’t say. But the scientific name is appropriate at least, because they really are vociferous, calling loudly (and recognizably) virtually every time they take off – and I was out there with the audio equipment, so why didn’t I record it? Sitting here now, I can’t answer that question.

Anyway, get out and chase some birds Saturday. I just cleared most of my reserve bird photos from the folder, so I’ll have to get new ones myself. We’ll see what transpires.

Two decades ago…

… on this very day, I was testing out a reverse periscope in Florida while my brother visited.

The author testing out a macro periscope, by Paul Denelsbeck
display view of reverse periscopeHere’s the deal: I really wanted some underwater pics in situ, but couldn’t afford an underwater camera. At that time, digital cameras were just appearing on the market – I remember one photographer in our wedding photography group just getting one, and everyone else asking about it – and specialty, underwater cameras wouldn’t be along for a few years yet. So the options were very expensive film cameras like the Nikonos line, or cheapy little things with a fixed lens, worthless for macro work. So I’d constructed a periscope to see under the water while the camera remained above, out of PVC pipe, a truck side mirror, and a sheet of clear acrylic for the port. The camera was my old trusty Canon Elan IIe and the Sigma 105mm macro; the lenshood fitted well into a reducing coupler at the top.

What I found with initial tests was that it was quite buoyant, and wanted to bob up out of the water, so it was anchored firmly to the monopod for better handling (necessary anyway because it wasn’t actually attached to the camera or lens otherwise.) The focus range was limited because the distance to the subject had to be a minimum of 50cm or so, just accounting for the periscope body itself, but then sediment would prevent seeing a lot beyond a meter. And lighting was an issue as well, not to mention subjects that would let this looming contraption close enough for decent pics anyway.

kings crown conch Melongena corona in periscope view
Then, there were the issues of the overall color cast provided by the hue of the water itself, magnified by the simple property that red and yellow wavelengths get scattered quickly by water, and as you can see here, refraction effects from the surface making strange light patterns. Given that I was already using an aquarium to photograph aquatic subjects, allowing more versatility in lighting and preventing subjects from slipping away, it didn’t see a lot of use. After moving back to North Carolina, I had absolutely no use for it because the water clarity anywhere in the state, well, isn’t – NC has the worst suspended sediment of any state I’ve snorkeled in. Now, I even have a decent, digital, underwater camera, and it’s seen almost no use underwater because it’s pointless around here, and the few times I’ve been elsewhere in appropriate conditions, I’ve found nothing to pursue. It does, however, serve as something I can carry along without worries when kayaking.

minnows in front of periscope
This is one of the first test shots though, taken in the pond at the apartment complex where I lived, and it came out halfway decently. In order to coax something close enough to the port, I dropped a couple of bread balls into the water right in front of the periscope, which worked quite well; the resident minnows were pleased with it, and enough of them faced the lens for a nice shot. Those are all minnows in the frame, by the way.

I have to take the opportunity to point out that the top pic shows my routine snorkeling haunt in Florida, which is the Indian River Lagoon, a mostly-saltwater sound behind the barrier islands. Cruising along on the far side of those rocks netted me so many interesting critters for the aquarium, as well as spotting numerous manatees, dolphins, sea turtles, stingrays, cow-nose rays, and I think a manta that leapt from the water. Once when snorkeling, I paused my forward motion abruptly and a tiny unidentified fish appeared from under my nose, realized it was now exposed in open sunlight, and darted back underneath my belly again; it had been cruising along with me, sheltered from view, possibly treating me like a manatee of something.

I also have to note that I considered including what I’d taken ten years ago on this date, but that was absolutely nothing. I have to make sure I take some photos today…

Pending further developments

So, I said earlier that the cicada hatching this year wasn’t going to be an onslaught, and now I must amend that because, damn.

molting Brood XIX Magicicada alongside empty exoskeleton of another
First off, the hatchings solely on this property have exceeded expectations, and I’ve spent several nights out there documenting the events – it’s been dozens of individuals, easily, centered on three distinct areas. One of which was an old maple tree that had actually been removed something like seven years ago, but sprouted new saplings from the trunk, and my guess is the cicadas were still feeding on the active roots. There’s a region out front, though, that I can’t really fathom what tree they were feeding from, but they definitely sprouted up in the front garden.

pair of recently molted Brood XIX Magicicadas on either side of fence post
So with this opportunity so close at hand, I was attempting to capture a few distinct things, and one of which was their actual emergence from the ground. I made multiple attempts over several evenings, sweeping all the leaves free from the soil and even setting up a worklight to illuminate the ground at a low angle so any movement should show clear shadows, but found absolutely nothing, even when new emergents were climbing the fence right alongside me. I have given up on that for now, unsure what I’m missing.

adult example of Brood XIX Magicicada captured for ID purposes
The next task that I set for myself was obtaining a positive ID of the species, which has proved harder than imagined. You can see the huge difference in coloration, and this is only between newly molted versus developed, hardened adults. Many of the 13 and 17 year cicadas look almost identical, and while I was able to narrow it down to only the 13-year species (Brood XIX,) getting beyond that has been tricky. There are two specific characteristics that help tell them apart, which is an orange band between eye and wing root…

close up of head of adult Brood XIX Magicicada showing orange band between eye and wing root
… seen here quite clearly, and then, the color of the belly scales…

belly of adult Brood XIX Magicicada showing coloring of scales
… and this is the part that’s inconclusive. BugGuide.net has been a lot of help in this regard, specifically in providing a link to a video that helps tell them apart. One species has orange belly scales, and the other has orange-and-black-striped belly scales – neither of which looks quite like this. You will note that both of those specimens are from Durham County, which is right here, and from 2011 – thirteen years ago. So it appears both species are emerging simultaneously.

[The image above is definitely a female, however – that’s the ovipositor visible in the center.]

The key, though, has been the song, which started only today, and it’s completely unreal – the description of a “UFO landing” gives a pretty good impression, even though all we really have are movie ideas of what this should sound like, shamelessly copied off one another. But given that song, I have to say these are Riley’s 13 year cicadas (Magicicada tredecim.) It was off in the distance here, but much more distinct when I went over to pick up something about 30 kilometers off, where they were being positively inundated by them.

swarm of exoskeletons of Brood XIX Magicicadas on single bush
This was one of many such bushes and trees, and the cicadas littered the ground and parking lot, easy to simply snag one; that specimen had less of the dark banding than mine, but the call was the same as this area, so I’m sticking with Magicicada tredecim. The ground in places, by the way, was liberally pocked with their emergence holes, and some lines of those could be made out, likely following tree roots.

One thing I’ve noticed about this species that’s quite different from the annuals has been their preference for molting positions. While the annuals seem to prefer just being vertical on tree trunks, this species often tries to go out branches to the ends, and/or hang upside down to molt.

newly-emerged adult Brood XIX Magicicada drying its wings
Several specimens, emerged from the ground but not molted yet, were seen going to the tops of the fence posts, waving their forelegs in the air in an apparent (and vain) search for branches, then turning around and heading back down again. They’re also remarkably clumsy, falling frequently (especially on the trips back down) – I could be standing out there watching for them to emerge from the ground and hear, every five minutes or so, another one hit the leaves as they lost their grip. They wasted a lot of energy between these. And they’re easy to spot in flight since they have a rusty-hue to the wings, but much slower and clumsier than the annual cicadas in flight as well.

We’ll do a couple of closeups.

extreme closeup of newly-molted adult Brood XIX Magicicada
This is with the reversed 28-105, my extreme macro lens, and shows their three simple eyes quite well, and two antennae of course – this is full frame. Let’s see a bit at full resolution:

full resolution inset of eye of Brood XIX Magicicada
Because I can, of course. And that’s really a lot of damn eyes (technically, ommatidia.)

And with all that, the attrition rate is noticeable too, though exactly how high it might be can’t be determined – this is why some species produce gobs of young at a time, of course.

remains of Brood XIX Magicicada on fence being consumed by ants
This was on the crossmemeber of the fence by the busiest hatching spot, while directly below was this:

remains of adult Brood XIX Magicicada on ground being consumed by ants
I initially believed these were remains of the same individual, but three compound eyes can be found, indicating that they’re at least two cicadas. Given their positions so close together, I’m favoring them falling victim to the mice in the area.

[Immediately after this I found the copperhead, only a few meters away.]

newly-emerged adult Brood XIX Magicicada on stem directly in front of large adult green treefrog Dryophytes cinereus
And as threatening as this looks, I think the cicada was safe – certainly nothing happened in the hour that I was out there for this session. The green treefrog (Dryophytes cinereus) knew its limits.

There are a few more things I would like to get, and perhaps I’ll arrange a time-lapse video of the molting, which will take some setting up – tomorrow, I’m aiming to capture those eerie songs. But yeah, it’s been a busy season. And I have to note that, I believe on the previous emergence 13 years ago, I was helping someone about 20 kilometers away and witnessed a mass emergence, kicking myself because I didn’t have my camera with me – at that point, I had never watched the molting taking place nor seen so many cicadas at once. So now I’m making up for that, with their own offspring. Cool.

Rethinking my habits

So I was out poking around Walkabout Estates early this morning, or late at night – whatever, just after midnight – and had gotten a few pics of a subject soon to be featured. I was walking alongside the house right next to the AC condenser when I heard a sharp rustle to my right. I stopped immediately, as always, and looked carefully to see what had caused it. It wasn’t hard to make out.

eastern copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix in defensive posture against wall of Walkabout Estates
Yes, that’s a copperhead, an eastern copperhead to be precise (Agkistrodon contortrix,) the only venomous snake in the region, and the first that I’ve found within a ten-kilometer radius – not exactly thrilled to find it within five centimeters of Stately Walkabout Manor here. This is especially so given that, having found only a handful of snakes on the property in the 10 years that we’ve been living here, and none of them remotely dangerous, I am routinely out in sandals or bare feet – tonight it was kind of an outdoor slipper, only a degree better than nothing. Much as I hate the idea, I might have to change that habit.

I had the bright headlamp on, but you can see how well they camouflage and I wasn’t really looking down at my feet anyway, though I do when I’m out in any wooded area that seems likely. This was home – I didn’t think it necessary. Had the snake not coiled suddenly and rustled the leaves, I might never have seen it, and I was walking on the path that’s just over a meter from this spot.

Yes, this is defensive posture, “coiled to strike” as overdramatic accounts will put it, though more often it results in the snake simply beating a hasty retreat. Let’s have a closer look at that head, because it’s great.

close up of head of eastern copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix in defensive posture
I had the Mamiya 80mm macro affixed, so I had a little working distance, and naturally this is cropped significantly – I knew the safe distance, and also knew not to do anything further to provoke it. I’ve been around enough snakes to be pretty mellow about it, even the venomous ones, so of course I was taking photos – the camera was right there in my hands, c’mon! Meanwhile, look carefully at the pinestraw and such in this image, and realize that the snake is a lot smaller than it seems in my photos.

Each of us could have gone our merry way, but I figured that copperheads were one species that we really didn’t want hanging around (especially given my own habits.) I considered my options for a moment, then fetched a broom and an old aquarium that had a proper lid. And the duct tape.

eastern copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix contained within old aquarium
The snake was remarkably easy to get into the aquarium, though it jerked in alarm as I laid the aquarium on its side right in front of the snake, and struck at the broom half-heartedly when I started nudging it – then slipped into the aquarium without any further hesitation. This allowed a little better idea of scale – not a lot, admittedly – but the overall length was roughly 40 cm, certainly under half a meter. That’s about average for the species, and the head could have hidden under a quarter.

I woke The Girlfriend to let her know what I was doing and put her phone alongside the bed, just in case, then drove out to a nice secluded area to release the snake. Which was more difficult than capturing it, to be honest, but that’s not saying a lot, and there were certainly no dicey moments. The snake just didn’t find the area outside the aquarium to be an open invitation – not at all surprising, considering what it had already gone through.

eastern copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix peeking from aquarium during release
Eventually, I had to tip the aquarium all the way up and slide the snake out, where it sat in mild confusion, requiring me to get the broom again and nudge it on its way. This gives a good view of its namesake, the unpatterned and deep coppery color atop the head, distinguishing it from most other species; even the ones often mistaken for copperheads have markings on their heads.

eastern copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix after release, going reluctantly on its way
Even after nudging it, again, to send it on its way, the snake was reluctant to simply dash off, but this gives us a good view of all the markings; note the ‘airbrushed’ appearance of the markings, nice gradient tones within, and a shape like Hershey’s Kisses. Also note that the darker part of the pattern is thinnest along the spine, while the non-venomous snakes in the region all sport darker bands that are wider on the spine than on the sides. The color actually varies only moderately from this, but the base tan is pretty distinctive. What isn’t visible in any of these photos (and not the best way to distinguish them anyway) are the slit, vertical pupils like a cat – all of the non-venomous species in the area have round pupils (except, perhaps, the coral snake, which only occurs coastally and you usually can’t make out the pupils anyway, but it’s not like they’re hard to pick out.)

A word about the taxonomy, because like many other species I’ve featured here, it’s changed since I first started writing about them. There used to be a northern copperhead and southern copperhead in the area, and the way to tell them apart was by examining the patterns near their tail, since the southern variant would have ‘detached’ patterns, not meeting on the spine – you can just make out here that they’re offset but still in contact, which would have made it a northern. However, these have been changed and, according to Wikipedia, both northern and southern variants are now considered eastern. Because, you know, biologists are bound and determined to put “eastern” into every goddamn species name on the east coast; it’s almost like a Tourette’s thing.

Anyway, that was my evening, slightly hearkening back to my animal rescue days, though I’ve had much more thrilling moments during those. I was, and am, more concerned that I really need to be watching my footing around home as distinctly as I do out in the woods. Sheesh.

Meanwhile, the last few posts have been a bit snakey, haven’t they? I’ll try to get to some nice cuddly bugs soon…

Just once, part 18

eastern hognose snake Heterodon platirhinos just chillin
Today we have another mildly surprising one to have only one example of, since they appear throughout the eastern seaboard at least and I’ve handled them four or five times other than this. This is an eastern hognose snake (sometimes ‘eastern hog-nosed,’ but Heterodon platirhinos applies throughout the world.) Medium-sized as far as snakes go, they typically run from 60-100 cm in length and 2-3.5 cm in girth, more ‘stocky’ than ‘slender,’ but the coloration isn’t the best way to identify them, since it’s wildly variable across their range. That said, the upturned nose is only possessed (on the North American continent, at least,) by two species of hognose snakes, so that works best.

They are a remarkably docile species, but often don’t appear to be docile when you first find them, because they have two distinctive and melodramatic defensive displays, and my goal is to get these on video some day. The first is to flatten out their head and upper body to twice their normal girth, coil up, and hiss loudly, often vibrating the tail when they do this (which is a common trait of many snake species, not just the rattlesnakes.) Unlike cobras, however, this flattening is not as confined to the head and ‘shoulders’ but stretches further down the body (see here, which is the other species but also constitutes a ‘Just Once’ appearance.) This display may well protect them better even from the “kill all snakes regardless” idiots, because it looks far too dangerous to even approach.

If this fails, however, the snake turns to Defensive Display Two, which is to literally roll over and play dead, notable in that if you roll them upright, they’ll immediately turn belly-up again, similar to that garden hose that never wants to coil properly. Occasionally, as linked above, they play this to the hilt for dinner theatre, another thing to capture in video.

eastern hognose snake Heterodon platirhinos being far too agreeable
My subject here, however, couldn’t be convinced to do any of this even when picked up, and resolutely appeared as tame as a pet, which made my attempts to show these displays to a student fail entirely – oh, the snake knew what it was doing all right. They are entirely harmless – to people, at least, though they actually possess a venom that works on frogs and toads. Some people might still find this a reason to be wary, which is perhaps a reflection on their own self-image, but since not one of the hognose snakes that I’ve found has made the faintest attempt to bite, even the injured one, I’d say that poison ivy is something to be dreaded more than these guys. This image was taken while the student held it, mind you, and this one didn’t even shit on either of us, which is the more common defensive action of most snake species. And as aggressive as they appear, it’s only their anatomy: like many snakes, they have a protective ridge over the eyes that gives them the appearance of glaring, but snakes don’t have any expressions at all and don’t communicate in that manner, so they always look like this. Even when asleep, since they don’t have eyelids either.

Anyway, here’s hoping that I remove this species form the ‘Just Once’ category before the end of the year. Wish me luck (or skill, or observatory acuteness, or whatever works for you)!

Love is in the weeds

Went over to the neighborhood pond tonight because the frogs were sounding off exuberantly while I was chasing another subject back home (which you’ll see soon.) By the time I wrapped up what I was already doing and gave the headlamp a quick charge, the frogs had quieted down a bit. A spider was the first thing I photographed, but the second thing that I captured was a pair of eyes watching me from the woods, down low and too close together for a deer. With the help of the headlamp and by taking the softbox off the flash, I snagged a decent frame.

North American raccoon Procyon lotor peeking out from concealment
That’s a raccoon of course, or North American raccoon if you want to be specific (Procyon lotor,) but wasn’t a goal for the evening. Mind you, I’ll take plenty of pictures of raccoons if they’ll let me, but that’s usually far from the case, and this one was down a steep embankment and already spooked by my presence – I’d get nothing better than this.

The frogs remained mostly hidden – a couple of bullfrogs on the shore, and calls from both green treefrogs and Copes grey treefrogs wherever I wasn’t, but nothing presenting itself beyond what I’ve gotten a million times before. And then I spotted the snake.

female northern water snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon in shallows of pond
This is typical for the area, especially in the water, because this is a northern water snake (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) – the first of any snake that I’ve seen this year, which seems odd even to me. I did a few frames, almost sliding down the steep bank into the water in the attempt, then passed further on in search of the frogs again.

On the way back past, the snake was no longer in evidence, but then caught up with my position as I was paused while observing an eastern American toad (Anaxyrus americanus americanus.)

female northern water snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon suspicious of photographer
In fact, there was a toad right by the water’s edge near me, while this snake began nosing closer, and I suspected she’d picked up the toad’s scent. All of this is taking place perhaps just over a meter from me; the snake itself was about half-a-meter in length – respectable, but far from the larger specimens which are twice that.

female northern water snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon tracking down the scent of American toad Anaxyrus americanus americanus
Sure enough, the snake started heading distinctly in the direction of the toad, and I was only armed with the Mamiya 80mm macro – no zoom, limited framing options, so I had to back off a bit and start adjusting the flash unit and exposure. It did not help that I’d shot dozens of flash images over the past couple of days and the batteries were starting to wear down, taking a bit longer to recharge between flashes. As a result, when the snake took a very abrupt shot at the toad, the frame that I captured was inadequate and not worth showing here. Not to mention that the toad leapt off and the snake missed anyway.

female northern water snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon on water's edge immediately in front of photographer
The snake did not give up, and nosed around the area for a while, just beyond my sitting position on the bank, before suddenly deciding to move further along. This image shows the way to distinguish the northern water snake from the nearly-identical banded water snake, because the markings of the northern break apart in the hind portion of the snake’s body; the bands remain intact for the banded water snake.

male northern water snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon in search of female
No sooner had the snake moved further along shore than another appeared, following behind. You can see the markings on this one are brighter and redder, which generally means little – there are a lot of variations within the species, to say nothing of time between molts when the colors get duller. But this one was enormously interested in coming ashore right exactly where I was – which leads to the video. Shot, unfortunately, on my piece of shit smutphone – I had not come armed for video, which takes a steadycage, a video light, and an external microphone to make it all worthwhile, even though it is many times better through the Canon 7D than through my Samsung. But this is what I got for the evening, anyway.

female northern water snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon on shore awaiting arrival of male approaching in water
I worked further along just ahead of the second snake, and sure enough, found the first up on shore and just hanging out rather obviously, I was now sure that the first was a female and in season, and the second was a potential suitor. I also saw a third in the water nearby, but that one vanished after only a glimpse – not sure why it disappeared.

smaller male northern water snake Nerodia sipedon sipedon initiating coitus with larger, darker female
The brighter male wasted no time in coming ashore, and the female actually turned to face him, so quickly that I thought she might be about to chase him off, but she froze as the male began tracing his way down her body towards her tail (her head is buried in the weeds towards the top of the frame.) I’d seen this behavior last year, and am not quite sure of what it means, but I suspect it may be the way that the male ensures that he’s working with the correct snake before engaging in coitus; last year’s example eventually involved three snakes, and I imagine things might become confusing, but this is only a guess.

pair of northern water snakes Nerodia sipedon sipedon engaged in coitus
In short order the male reversed his path along the female’s body and they soon engaged. I shot no video of this part because a) that portion of their bodies was mostly obscured by weeds, and b) the smutphone is a very basic one (I have no need for anything fancy and won’t bother spending the money,) meaning that it has a wide angle lens that requires getting very close to a subject for decent details – three times closer, at least, than the Mamiya macro requires. I figured I’d try not to disturb them too much and just fired off a couple of frames on the Canon, then let them be. It was a worthwhile session for such a casual trip to the pond.

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