I apologize, on behalf…

… of the host, because I didn’t do it.

If you came here in the past day and didn’t find anything, it’s because my website host switched their content to a new server, which I had plenty of notice was going to happen. And the main site went fine, but the blog disappeared entirely. I left it for a few hours, figuring that it was DNS woes of some kind (even though the main site, read more

Most of the frustration, though

I went out today knowing that it was a holiday, which I could have avoided, but that would be shirking my bloggy duty, and I figured I’d just get it over with. For today is Lock Teasers Day, which is not half as much fun as the other kind.

What, exactly, is Lock Teasers Day, you ask? Which is stupid, because it’s right there in the name: it’s the day for photo subjects read more

Missed it by… well, a lot

It’s now been sixteen years since the first post right here on the ol’ Walkabout Blogoblob, and that means it’s time for the annual podcast! [This is unfortunately accurate, for the past few years at least, but I’m intending to change that at least a little.] So let’s get right into it, shall we?

Walkabout podcast – 16 Years

I’m running late, partially due read more

Always check your calendar

Several years ago during the trip to South Carolina, I was putting one of the kayaks on the roof rack of the car and, being incautious, ran into the side mirror of the car while maneuvering the straps around. This pulled a muscle in the side of my lower back rather seriously, and left me a bit tender for a while. Worse, it’s the kind of muscle that you use for a lot of things, and read more

What game shall we play?

This is part two of the sordid mess part one can be found here.

So with the design of the deck largely locked down, we had two main challenges, which don’t seem like they should be hard: creating games for the deck, and finding a name for it. Dan Palmer already had a few games past the conceptual stage and started play-testing a couple, but such things need refinement to find read more

It’s always the ponds

There was supposed to be a different holiday in here today, but we can only have one holiday per day, according to the International Rules of Blog Holidays, and we’re forced to go with this one, which is nowhere near as much fun. I’m talking about Don’t Make The Big Change You Were Planning To Make Because Of A Pond Day… which, now read more

Shall we play a game?

I could easily have been doing this as installments over the past, like, year and a half, but if I’d started, the gods of fate probably would have caused it all to peter out quickly. So we’ll have a couple of posts now, after things have played out a bit.

Starting premise: my friend Dan Palmer started talking to me about a new playing card deck that he was creating, similar read more

You can’t escape

Normally, I avoid the ‘popular’ news items (or, for that matter, nearly all news items) because frankly, there are enough sources for such out there and I certainly don’t need to offer my two pfennigs, much less jump on any bandwagon, and I have established my own typical subject matter herein anyway – stay in your lane, kind of thing. At this point in time, however, the read more

Just once, part 5

The age of this photo is not just displayed by the condition of the negative (which has even been cleaned up a bit from the original,) but by the perch of the bird here, my roommate’s rack for holding cassette tapes – those are not my music choices. Are there even some cassingles in there? Anyway, I peg this around 1994 or so, and I believe it represents the latest image read more

Two down, or up or something

Just a small moment of triumph, kinda. With the reformatting of the main computer under Ubuntu Studio now (a form of Linux operating system,) I had to reinstall several different things that I’d been using, and among them was the MIDI keyboard. MIDI is just a musical interface to take an electronic input (such as a small read more

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