Most of the frustration, though

I went out today knowing that it was a holiday, which I could have avoided, but that would be shirking my bloggy duty, and I figured I’d just get it over with. For today is Lock Teasers Day, which is not half as much fun as the other kind.

What, exactly, is Lock Teasers Day, you ask? Which is stupid, because it’s right there in the name: it’s the day for photo subjects read more

Big honkin’ bird post

It’s been a few days since I got these, delayed partially by being busy (I keep saying that, and we’re close to finding out why) and partially because I knew it would take a while to write up the post. And I’m going to do things out of order because it’s better that way, maybe.

Once again, Jordan lake, but before the trip down to catch the ISS transiting the moon, read more

More o’ dem birds

While World Migratory Bird Day yielded just one bird for me, the previous couple of days were a lot more productive, as my brother and I did a short trip out to Washington, North Carolina, and points further east. Here on the waterfront of the town, a nest box for purple martins (Progne subis) shows a lot of activity, in a prime location where there were plenty of riverside read more

Confused AF

I did an outing yesterday! Granted, it wasn’t a terribly productive outing, and too few of the images will be keepers – including some of the ones you’ll see here. But at least there’s a smidgen of content.

I went down to Jordan Lake to see what was stirring, which wasn’t a lot – just a lone black vulture in the distance, but in the woods near the parking area, read more

Meanwhile, birds

As I’ve been whittling away at the trip photos and video, I’ve still been out getting current photos – I’ve just been setting most of them aside. So we’ll play catch-up a little here, concentrating on the avians this time around.

On the same day that I snagged the angry bird, read more

As always, I’m on it

May 29th is Blurred Bird Day, which requires that you say it fast and never clarify it to anyone, because that’s half the fun. It should come as no surprise that, even as obscure as this holiday is, I’m fully prepared.

Kindly note that blurring the bird by failing to focus tightly does not count – it must be motion blur, preferably the bird’s.

Some birds are read more

Wait, we’re one short!

I had said earlier that, after an auspicious start, I thought I could do a post for every day of October, and had intended to post this one yesterday, so the month end abstract would bring us up to the full 31 posts this morning. Alas, the day at work yesterday was horrendous, running quite late, and I was exhausted and actually in pain when I got home late yesterday afternoon, read more

Intermission, part 1

I find it interesting that I’ve never used this blog title before (I keep a list,) and expect to want to again, so, part one it is. These are some of the semi-random images that were obtained between bigger or more thematic sessions that will appear here shortly.

While ambling around the nearby pond, I spotted these yellow-bellied sliders (Trachemys scripta scripta) read more