Tag: eastern grey squirrel
New York: Enough with New York already
I’ve already done posts on the birds seen during the New York trips, both the raptors and the non-raptors, but didn’t go through the photos thoroughly enough, because there were several more that I intended to feature, so we’re now getting to that (with a couple of other subjects thrown in as a bonus to you, the 10th visitor to this blog.) Above, one of a quartet
That story I mentioned
So in the wildlife rehab post recently, I mentioned a story about a grey squirrel and that I may explain it in detail later. That post was first made in 2013, then reposted in 2014 and again in 2021, and I am now getting around to relating that story I figure eight years is enough to build the suspense…
At the time, I worked for a humane society that tackled a lot of projects, among them wildlife
The bookends of 2019
In past years I’ve done various exercises like (what I considered) my best photos of the month, or a featured unused image, and jazz like that, so this year I decided to do something a little different for the year-end stuff (or should it be the year-beginning stuff? This is far too confusing for me.) To that end, or beginning, we shall be featuring the first and last images taken within this
A little winter activity, part 1
Okay, technically, these are all fall photos, because they were taken before December 21, and because we’ve really only had a couple of overnight frosts while still having days with decent temperatures, but it looks like North Carolina winter around here, and the critters are largely behaving as if it is, so it counts within the realm of nature photography, okay?
Anyway, getting a few more
Odd memories, part 18
For one of the Ancient Lore posts back in April, I mentioned an accident of timing regarding the end of my tenure in Florida, and so I expand upon it here – which will segue into another story. I’m sure you’re brimming with anticipation.
Florida is known for a lot of things: alligators, giant anthropomorphic mice, manatees, people of questionable judgment, but perhaps