Seriously, don’t move it’s a pain in the ass, takes forever, and results in far too many aches and pains. We’ve still got far too much to go, and Walkabout Studios is going to take a while to be in proper shape. So I haven’t much time to devote to posting, but I’ll slip in here and there as I have a few moments. And in like vein, I snag the occasional
Tag: Odocoileus virginianus
First, the night before
I don’t have a lot of photos to show right now, but I’m still going to split them off into two posts, partially because they represent two separate time periods and subject matters, and partially because I haven’t been posting much and driving up the numbers justifies, um, something…
So, last night.
In doing my semi-regular nightly patrol, I was well aware
Needs a little work
With the weather being surprisingly warm and clear and a not-full moon shining down, I elected to traipse over to the neighborhood pond and try my luck spotting the beaver(s). This time I did not have The Girlfriend to wield a light for me so I could focus, since she’d gone to bed hours before, so I strapped a powerful flashlight to the lenshood of the Tamron 150-600 and did a quick test out
Be quiet out there
Going out onto the back porch the other night, I heard a significant racket coming from either just outside the back fence, or just inside it. While I always have a pocket flashlight on me, the view in that immediate direction is blocked by the greenhouse and the shed, so I had to creep down there, to be greeted by no fewer than eight white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Out there
Stepping out to check on the weather last night since snow flurries were possible, I saw a white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in The Jungle at the edge of the property, and stepped further out to chase it/them off (there’s never just one,) not really wanting them to strip any more of the bushes and trees we’re trying to cultivate. Neither my approach nor my scolding
It’s that season
Coming through the kitchen yesterday, I saw something cutting across the sprawling frontage of Walkabout Estates, and quickly grabbed the camera.
Just a white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus,) a moderate-sized six-point buck, which normally don’t start becoming visible until dusk, though this was middle afternoon. I shot this through the storm door glass, where
Visibly different, part 27
My oldest image of a white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) dates from… actually, I have only a vague idea of when this was taken, which is somewhere around 1990-93, and no recollection of where. I scanned the negative a few weeks back and now can’t recall if the frame edges were rounded (which would indicate that it was taken with the Wittnauer) or square
Foiled by bodyguards
Yesterday evening The Girlfriend and I were on the back porch finishing dinner, when we heard a faint crashing through the leaves separating us from the neighbor, something that excited two of the cats. I pegged it as a squirrel, mostly because little else makes that much noise, and stood up for a peek. What I saw, however, was something much larger and lighter-colored than a squirrel, scampering
New York: The ungulates
Considering how often and in how many places we saw the species, I’m a little surprised that I don’t have more photos, but then I remember the circumstances most times. At the Gatsby mansion where we stayed in New York, the property was absolutely loaded with white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus,) but they remained a bit spooky and tended not to stick around
On this date 52
And here we are – the 52nd week of the series, and thus the last ‘On This Date’ post of the year! Except, no, we’re better than a week away from the end of the year, aren’t we? That’s what I get for starting this on the 1st. And seriously, what kind of creator makes a solar or sidereal year with such an odd number of hours in it? Sheesh…
Anyway, we’ve