Can’t leave ’em alone

… but c’mon, would you be letting these pics just sit around in the interests of ‘diversity?’

Last night, I went over to the neighborhood pond again, but this time with a slightly more specific reason, which actually turned out to be beneficial. We’ll get to that in a second.

The juvenile green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) were just as active as read more

I did

Meaning, I did go back out to see how things looked after the rain, as I closed the previous post with. However, since these are displayed in reverse order, newest first, this post appears above that one and well away from that simple statement, ruining the continuity and requiring all this explanation. Plus there’s no sense of building drama or developing photo accomplishments, unless read more

Not even a day

Man, I didn’t even have the ‘Sort’ folders cleaned out for an entire 24 hours before I had to add to them again. Not that this is a problem – I can quit anytime I like…

Last night, I was poking around the yard a little by the light of the headlamp and ran across a couple of subjects worthy of getting the camera for, and so I did, crazy and unpredictable person that I read more


I’m used to looking out at the greenhouse and seeing strange trails through the condensation that forms on the inner surfaces of the ‘glass’ (not really glass,) because the leopard snails have a tendency to creep inside and then cruise about the interior. But this morning, the tracks were a bit different.

Definitely not a snail there, but it only took a moment to read more

Profiles of Nature 26

Even when we were out of the state, the Profiles continued, so all hope of escape is lost – deal with it. This week we present Vigdis, a staunch advocate for hemp and CBD and suchlike products because she lacks the ability to comprehend anything of real interest. She also feels that her eyes are too close together, but this may be because she was adopted by hammerhead read more

Local news and weather

About a week ago, we were still struggling with a faint drought, having had no rain in roughly two weeks while temperatures were peaking in the 30s, and the rain barrels were rapidly emptying as we kept the various plants watered. That evening I took the misting sprayer and went around to the likeliest plants to give them a thorough misting, knowing the mantids, at least, would be pleased with it. read more

Running a little late

The rains mentioned in the previous post did indeed come, but many hours after they were predicted – about twelve after finding the mantids. We’d gotten a bare sprinkling in the morning, which wasn’t anywhere near enough, so I’d gone out to water all the plants. Later in the day, naturally, we got a thorough soaking, which is how it goes, isn’t it?

On the back porch, read more

Just because, part 40

I know I just did a buffer post, but then I realized that I was about to hit another meaningless milestone and decided to sneak this one in to facilitate it. We already know I’m shameless.

These are just a couple of photos that I had in the blog folder with no real topic to attach them to, so, yeah…

At the neighborhood pond, one of the female mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) read more

Ribbon cutting

I’ve said before (many times) that I have my own indication of when spring is officially here, and last evening, though technically only a few hours ago, we reached that mark. On stepping onto the back deck late at night, I glanced down and saw my first treefrog, a Copes grey, sitting read more

Not food and not motherhood

I actually got a few photos in today – nothing exciting, nothing even noteworthy, except that I wasn’t even trying today was yard work and gardening day, and I was mostly planting things. But as a nature and wildlife blog, this post isn’t going to the Favorites page, mine or anyone else’s, and the best I can say for it is that it isn’t food related, read more

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