Today got as warm as 24°c, so I took the opportunity to return to Jordan Lake to see what could be seen. The spot where we were seeing the eagles last week was almost empty, save for a few gulls and cormorants, and I only fired off a handful of frames trying for something
Tag: herring gull
Triumphant return
… or something.
I’m back from my escape room adventures, which have been greatly exaggerated, but that’s what you’d expect from someone who blew the post title twice (should have been Profiles of Nature, and we’re only up to 28.) Good thing I haven’t paid him…
Anyway, it was another trip, and I’ll provide a photo to let you guess where this
The bookends of 2019
In past years I’ve done various exercises like (what I considered) my best photos of the month, or a featured unused image, and jazz like that, so this year I decided to do something a little different for the year-end stuff (or should it be the year-beginning stuff? This is far too confusing for me.) To that end, or beginning, we shall be featuring the first and last images taken within this
March breaks all the rules
Maybe, anyway. I can’t remember if I had a specific rule that the end-of-the-month abstract had to be shot within that month, or if I only tried to keep it that way. But I don’t have any abstract images at all from March, so we’re going with February instead. However, I will see if I can snag one before the day is out (the schedule is not looking
So what did 2017 hold?
Of course, with the replacement of a small stack of bound pages with kitten pictures on our walls and the practice of crossing out the incorrect date on our checks (neither of which actually occurs anymore,) it is time to examine the previous twelve months and try to figure out what went wrong, just so we can feel better about what the next twelve months might hold. And since I’m
Up in the air
Ha! Another title pun! This one not only deals with aerial subjects in the photos, but refers to further developments on the site that haven’t yet come to fruition. Such depths to the humor!
[Ahem] So, I did manage to get out for a shooting session recently, though mostly what it did was emphasize how little there is to shoot right now. This was a student outing again, and we mostly