Tagginses! We hates it forever!

Yes indeed, that means I can spoof Tolkien as well as Python, but it also means it’s time for the annual tag roundup, brought to you by no sponsor whatsoever when you think “tags,” think nothing!

The number of single-use blog tags continues to explode, like bacteria in a restaurant icemaker, and in the same manner, they lead mostly to shit. Nothing needs to be added to an intro read more

My seasonal charity work

I know this is going to come off sounding like bragging, and it’s not intended that way at all but, well, so be it. I am presently working on a plugin that will eradicate every last vestige of ‘Baby Yoda’ from your internet browser – all memes, all photos, all mentions, all cookie cutters, all bumper stickers, everything. It’s quite a comprehensive program, but sorely read more