Could this be Al?

It’s been almost a week without anything but my routine weekly post, and for that, I apologize – it’s been a bit busy here, and while I obtained some frames here and there, I never got around to doing anything with them. Today, however, is Prove That You’re Not Dead Day, so it seemed as good a time as any to get them up here. Or for someone to produce a post read more

A little content

I’ve been a bit busy of late, and haven’t been taking the time for posts – this will continue a little while longer, too. So I’m going to throw something down pretty quickly, the frozen pizza of the online world, because we need something here.

First of all, while this image isn’t the slightest bit impressive or even interesting, it’s evidence:

It’s read more

Free to good home

I’ve been meaning to do more cleaning of the blog folder, which is where I stash images prepped for posts before they’re actually uploaded, and on occasion I decide against them, for one reason or another I end up not writing the post, or the narrative (such a grandiose word for this shit, isn’t it?) goes in another direction, or something along those lines. I read more

Visibly different, part 34

This week we have another current set of images, all taken within a few days and since last week’s offering.

One of the many things that we planted this year was tomatoes, and started a serious number of tomato vines in various locations. As always, the hornworms eventually discovered these and started doing their damage – in this case it was the tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta, read more

Nope – not even close

I asked a question in the last post title, and answered it in this one. The temperature actually got a tad warmer, held up by a front that brought rain with it, and the green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) happily took advantage of this brief spring. I’m still a little surprised, thinking they’d be in deep enough cover to prevent freezing and thus not venture out casually, but I’m read more

On this date 60

Well, first of all, on this date every year (more or less,) it’s the winter solstice, the time of the year when the Earth’s axial tilt places the sun at its southernmost point, meaning the daylight for those in the northern hemisphere is the shortest of the year from this point on, the ‘days’ will be getting longer. A little victory to most of us up here.

‘Course, in read more

Storytime 29

Far too many things going on today for a long one, so this is brief. Today’s storytime post is all there, if you look closely. The faintly brownish trail of some arthropod larva that twists through the middle of the leaf, and by that I mean, between the top and bottom surfaces – and terminates at the larva itself. It has the appearance of being on top of the leaf because read more

You can hide, but you can’t run

Actually, you can run if you want, and you may, because the image above is the least icky – it’s all downhill from here. You should know I don’t say that lightly…

What you’re seeing here is the larva of a green lacewing fly, family Chrysopidae, bearing the typical camouflage for this time of year, which is a nice coat of lichen – the background surface read more

Too cool, part one

Welcome to the first of a new topic, one I’ve been meaning to get to for a while. So far, I have two others in the queue which will show up before too long, so keep watching. This is my way of illustrating one of the reasons I got into nature photography in the first place.

The other day The Girlfriend and I checked out the local botanical garden while they were having a sculpture show. I can read more