Handful of night

Found a couple of subjects while poking around tonight, but only had very short periods of time to capture them, which I’ll explain in a moment. So this is what you get.

First off, I found that the spiny assassin (genus Sinea,) still occupying the basil plant, was polishing off a meal which looked a little odd, so I quickly went inside and got the reversed Sigma 28-105 and the flash read more

Out of practice

Man, I’ve hardly picked up the camera in days, and haven’t done any high-magnification macro work in weeks at least. My macro muscles were protesting. But I did a handful of frames today, so we have a smattering of content – kinda like the sweater you get for your birthday from a distant aunt who has no idea what you like. Hide your disappointment and try to look grateful.

Anyway, read more

Let’s do this by category

As I mentioned, I have more pics to put up and have been juggling time to try and get to them – not at all helped by the number of unforeseen circumstances that spring up on top of the routine things already taking up my time. So right now, I’m splitting up the posts by subject matter of the photos, and today is arthropod day.

My attempts to capture more Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis) read more

Call it a plus

And then, the rains did come.

After making that last post early in the morning and going to bed, I was awoken by another storm, this one centered right overhead – at least, if the explosion of thunder that loosened my fillings was any indication. This one brought rain with it, a good soaking, so I’m no longer conflicted.

I have not been neglecting my arthropod subjects, even though I’m read more

2012’s Not-Quites, the Insects

So as I mentioned, I went ahead and put together my best images of this year – or, as it really should be, my favorites, since no one is voting on these but me. However, this year was notable in that most of my images, by a wide margin, were arthropods (which I still call ‘insects’ solely for convenience.) read more