Our attempts to catch up continue, as we hearken back to six days ago and a visit to a nearby pond. A variation of this view was seen earlier, but I also like this version for the additional isolation. The pickerelweed plants seem to stretch for a significant distance, accentuating the idea that the eastern
Month: August 2015
Looking back, part one
In the past week, I shot about 600 images in four sessions or so, which partially explains the lack of posts. So we’ll play catch-up over a couple of days, and in the process see the difference in approach used, depending on the subject and circumstances.
For instance, in meetings with students, most times I’m not shooting at all, concentrating instead on instruction. However, in some
Monday color 27 (is late)
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I lost track of what day it was and was concentrating on other things, but that’s just pathetic whining under the looming threat of the whip. To try and make up for it, however (now that your day is already off to a bad start,) I humbly offer this remarkably current image, taken less than an hour ago. It’s almost like a Twatter account
Too cool, part 28: Wholly molty!
Seriously, I really need to stop doing titles like that…
This is going to be the longest post on the blog. Not in terms of words, but in terms of images, since I am going to show a long sequence from the other evening, and they’re nearly all vertical format, so the linear dimensions of the post are going to be exceptional. This may result in some gaps between text blocks, so please excuse
This post serves a double purpose, both to show off a handful of recent photos and serve as a buffer before another gout of mantis pics comes crashing in. As even further warning of that upcoming post, a lot of them are going to be really weird looking.
Yesterday morning, I watched a pair of green herons (Butorides virescens) at the nearby pond. The image above is probably the best I got,
You know what I said a few days ago about standards being too high? I just had to share this.
In the local Craigslist postings, there was a ‘Creative Gig’ opening for a Paranormal Investigator, the entirety of the ad reading thus:
Creating a show to investigate the paranormal and past lives. Looking for an individual who is natural, curious, has a personality and is interested in these
Monday color 26
For today’s Monday color, we go back almost exactly five years (one day shy,) and over about eight or so kilometers, and turn mostly north, to the UNC Botanical Gardens and a butterfly, probably a silver-spotted skipper (Epargyreus clarus,) on an amaranth spike. This is the kind of image I consider a magazine cover:
A god in every pot
I’d really love to see a poll on this topic, because I think it would be immensely revealing about religious belief. Lacking this, we’re just going to proceed with my own experience, which fits the description of “anecdotal” without conflict – we’ll get that out of the way right up front. My experience, however, has led me to believe that every religious