The function of getting established at the new Walkabout Estates is going much slower than intended, primarily not our fault – we’re still waiting for the truck with most of our belongings to arrive. Until that time, we’re bouncing back and forth between minor repairs/improvements and exploring the area, but this has included going down to the waterfront soon after
Tag: Carolina anole
Plans to be a postal carrier
Early the other morning I went past the Japanese maple that has been hosting the newborn Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis,) only it had been misty-raining overnight and I didn’t really expect to see the little lizard, since the species seems quite sensitive about rain – I’ve spooked them for cover on hot days when I just played the mist sprayer across them, and this
Miss Monday Monochrome?
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve had a couple of images set aside for this purpose, and just added a few more. Let’s see what we have now.
The color version can be found here, but in this case, after converting to individual color channels, I reduced
Palate cleanser
These are the most recent images, taken late last night, because we needed a buffer between posts of too-similar images, and I don’t feel like using the raindrops-on-roses pic right now (they’re coming, Julie Andrews.) Plus, I was a little surprised by two of these, anyway.
I’m trying to remember if I’ve seen this species twice this season, or only once. Regardless,
Aha! A new one!
Man, I am getting backlogged with photos now, since my time to write things up keeps disappearing. Well, not true – I just keep using it for other things. I know, I know, after all that my readers have done for me…
Anyway, a few pics of a recent find at Walkabout Estates:
This is another Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis,) this time on the small Japanese
Just lizards
Only a handful of shots from yesterday, from the front walk at Walkabout Estates.
In going past one of the butterfly bushes, I noticed a sudden movement from the leaves, which is the best telltale if you notice it and pay attention. Eventually, I saw further activity as an adult Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) became evident, slinking up the branches. I did a few frames, but it seemed
Suddenly, something
All of these came from various times on Monday, which turned out to be far more productive than the outing that was scheduled for that day, which was postponed until Tuesday, or that outing. It was even more productive than the trip to the neighborhood pond immediately before it. Weird how things turn out sometimes.
Here’s the rundown. Returning from the pond with virtually nothing to show
Every night this week
Most times, Carolina anoles (Anolis carolinensis) sleep in the same location for a few days in a row, then switch to someplace nearby, but this one has been sticking to the seed pods of the hosta every night since I found it – sometimes head down, sometimes in the rain, but always tucked in like this. It’s cute.
Crucial update
Sneaking this in before it becomes tomorrow, but I had to check and see if our new little friend had taken up a sleeping spot nearby, and indeed it had:
These are the seeds of one of the two hosta plants that our newborn Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) was skipping around on this morning. In the afternoon we got another horrendous downpour (I’m not complaining,)
Well, now…
Had to feature a sudden find late this morning – if this guy had held still, I would have easily missed it, especially since I’d about given up on seeing one this year. This is a newborn Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis,) scampering around on one of the hosta plants, appearing at a time when even the adults could barely be found. This might have come about