One of two (or maybe more)

These are images from the first of two visits to Jordan Lake this week, and I’m not absolutely sure there won’t be a third before I finish the post for the second, but even if not, there are a serious number of pics. So let’s get started.

These are from Monday, which was more active yet still not as much as I’d hoped – I don’t expect anything to read more

Days past

Just before leaving on this most recent trip, we got a text from a neighbor that the nearby pond was hosting a surfeit of great egrets, so we set aside a few minutes to go over and see them. Hurricane/Tropical Storm Elsa had passed through a couple of days previously, and this was potentially what fostered their appearance I know a pair had shown up a few years back in similar read more

Variety? No

We’re having great weather now, but so far the activity hasn’t changed significantly among the wildlife, or at least not that I’ve seen – they may be playing it cool when I’m around, because I’m old enough now to be a square, a real wet blanket. So yesterday’s circuit of the pond netted a handful of images, but nothing that really adds to the stock, you read more

On this date 48

As the harddrive woes continue, with even less progress than reported last time (yes, I backslid a bit – don’t ask,) we still have our weekly post of photos taken on this very date in years past, sure to engender those warm fuzzy feelings, especially with subjects like this. Last week opened with an image taken while visiting North Carolina in 2003, and this one is the read more

Right, let’s get to this

[Claps and rubs hands together] So, I’ve had most of these photos sitting in the blog folder for days, waiting for all that jazz below to be done so I could devote the time to a larger post, one that I didn’t want to double-post and try to keep track of, and the time has arrived.

I’d noticed last year that a sharpshinned hawk was starting a nest nearby, but nothing ever seemed to read more

Darwin should have been born later

No, not later in the century or anything – just later in the year, since mid-February is a tough time to illustrate Darwinism and natural selection, especially when it’s too damn cold to be out looking for photo subjects.

But yes, it’s Darwin Day again, and to honor it, I have just a couple of half-hearted images (until I decide to arbitrarily reassign Charles’ read more