Crucial update

Sneaking this in before it becomes tomorrow, but I had to check and see if our new little friend had taken up a sleeping spot nearby, and indeed it had:

These are the seeds of one of the two hosta plants that our newborn Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) was skipping around on this morning. In the afternoon we got another horrendous downpour (I’m not complaining,) read more

Well, now…

Had to feature a sudden find late this morning – if this guy had held still, I would have easily missed it, especially since I’d about given up on seeing one this year. This is a newborn Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis,) scampering around on one of the hosta plants, appearing at a time when even the adults could barely be found. This might have come about read more

Routine patrol

While this doesn’t happen daily, I frequently do a patrol of the sprawling acreage of Walkabout Estates to see how things are coming along (as well as watering all the ‘tended’ plants, which can take some time anymore.) It’s not the best of ideas to ‘watch plants grow,’ really, because they’re better off being seen at least a week apart, but it’s necessary read more

Gonna be a challenge

So let’s look at the ol’ personal progress chart, shall we? Here’s where the stats for Walkabout stand right now.

Last year’s number of posts was a new record at 233, which has already been beaten handily – we’re at 263 (um, 264) right now, so easy victory there.

For images, however, it’s a different matter. Last year set a record for those too, at 1,037 uploaded, read more

This, or nothing

I haven’t entirely been avoiding photography lately, but since what I’ve been seeing is more of the same from the past several weeks, I haven’t been running to get my camera too often either. This is just to show that I’m still kicking, and still maintaining some content, even if it’s just variations of the same damn things. Plus this brings me up read more

Nakhvamdis, August!

For reasons yet to be determined, there are no more numbers on my wall calendar past today, starting over at 1, so this has to mean it’s time for the end of the month abstract. Only thing is, I didn’t really take any abstract images this month, or at least if I did, I already posted them, so what we have here is kind of a cheat, but I figure if I’m gonna fudge it, I’ll do read more

Flower Friday

No, this is not going to be a regular topic, because c’mon, I’m a guy! Mostly it’s to dump a large number of images stacking up in the blog folder, but also to tip my hat at the Alliterative Al. These have accumulated over a few months now, and while I could save them for read more

Your patriotic duty

I just realized, on typing that title rather awkwardly, that I don’t use the word “patriotic” much at all. Which is good, because I find patriotism on a par with tribalism, and that’s just arbitrary “us-vs-them”ism, which we don’t need. Personal rants aside, Saturday, June 13th is National Get Outdoors Day, and I know, read more

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