One last

As if we didn’t have enough images this month…

Back from one of my night exploring sessions at the nearby pond, the headlamp picked out some eyes watching me from the middle distance, so I removed the macro softbox from the flash unit, boosted to full power, and aimed into the darkness. The resulting photo here, provided your monitor is adjusted right (and you’re read more

On this date 32

I remarked a few weeks back that that particular day in my shooting history was pretty lightly populated, and this is the opposite I shot a lot on August 5th over the years. This is among the first in the folders, a white-tailed deer (Odocoileus read more

Storytime 39

This… is not a good photo. I know that with my years of experience, I can spot this through all the little telltales. And there’s a story behind it.

Not long after having moved back into North Carolina, I was living in a small duplex in the woods on the edge of two ponds – pretty nice locale for a nature photographer, except the apartment was too expensive for the sparse read more

Finger Lakes: The animals

I have a serious number of images from my trip up to the area where I grew up, which is the Finger Lakes region of central New York, but haven’t had a lot of time to write anything up about them, so I decided to split the posts into two and make them relatively brief. For me, anyway – this might mean upwards of five-thousand words or so, but you should already know that this is what read more

A pattern I haven’t determined yet

Out last night poking around in the backyard, for the first time in days, I came across a green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) – gratifying, because I’ve been trying to convince them to hang around in the region, but curious nonetheless because I haven’t seen one here since early spring I thought the Copes grey treefrogs had pretty much taken over. I didn’t read more

May, or May not

For our month-end abstract for May, we have two offerings, because I had two that I liked taken within the month – actually, there were three, but one is a little too similar to another posted just a few days back, so I’m keeping that one for later on. For these two, we have a theme anyway.

Above, we have some Canada geese (Branta canadensis) taking off from the nearby pond just read more

Crap, but amusing crap

Earlier this evening, as I was working on something in the backyard, I heard some rustling not far off and noticed a trio (at least) of young white-tailed deer foraging just beyond the fenceline, which put them no more than 12 meters from me. I drew out the smutphone and attempted to call The Girlfriend, who I believed was inside the house somewhere, but this failed because she read more

Not safe out there tonight

We’d had a light rain but it had stopped, and I was curious to see if anything was stirring in the backyard – the Insouciant Mr Bugg and I had been out earlier and hadn’t seen a lot, but what we did see will be coming in a later post. Anyway, shining the headlamp around, I was concentrating read more

What goes on when no one’s looking

We reside in a small housing development, nothing too crowded or active, and with this comes the peculiar concept of the listserv, the ability to e-mail everyone who has subscribed with items of (dubious) collective interest to the homeowners. Not too long back, there came a couple of accounts of cars being ‘broken into,’ only they really weren’t because the owners hadn’t read more

For now

I’ve been a little busy with various projects, which have kept me away from blogging, as well as failing to inspire any new topics or allowing me to tackle some of the posts in draft form that have been biding their time. So, for now, a few quick images from the past week.

On an outing on Tuesday, the same one that netted the image from the previous post, the read more

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