You’re a Grand Ol’ Tag

Oh great, you got the kid singing! I hope you’re happy now!

Oh, yeah, it’s January, isn’t it? That makes it time for the tag roundup. On your run-of-the-mill, everyday blog with, you know, real posts, tags just serve to help people (or search engines, or marketing bots) find ‘relevant’ content (like that’s a thing,) but here, they additionally serve as read more

Lizard licks

Boy, this took too damn long…

I’ve had the video clips for several days now, and largely edited together for over a day. It took a lot longer than anticipated to get the voiceover done, but the real delay was in the rendering. The first version seemed a little large to me and I’d prefer to upload leaner, less space-consuming videos if I can, but Kdenlive just couldn’t handle read more