The International Holiday Approval Union, finding that nothing whatsoever notable happened on this day – no prominent or noteworthy events, no worthwhile person born or died – has thus chosen this date to represent Beware of Strangers Baring Gifs Day, because something had to be jammed into this barren spot in the month. As far as I’m concerned, we should
Category: Random
Just because, part 32
Still a little busy, but I wanted to get something up so the blog does not lie fallow, as they say (actually, nobody ever says that, except me now.) So a couple of quick pics and a video (not mine,) while we wait for me to put some actual effort into this whole thinly-veiled-narcissism thing.
First off, a video that The Girlfriend linked me to this morning, a wildlife camera on a particular log in
Storytime 37
I’ve actually featured this photo here before, with perhaps a portion of the story but not all of it. It’s time to rectify that and set the record straight.
While living in Florida, there was this undeveloped sand road that was basically an access lane out to the edge of the lake, bordered on both sides by drainage channels. It wasn’t far outside the city, but the farthest I could
Just a little update
These are wheel bugs, so named because of that big cogwheel-like thing on their back, and seriously, don’t ask me what purpose that serves. But do you know what they’re doing?
They’re making a third wheel!
Okay, that was terrible, I admit it, but you already know that I can’t resist (don’t you like how I always make comments like that [and this], as if this blog has a
Storytime 36
This week’s entry is perhaps only part one of an ongoing story – nobody’s really sure yet. We’ve been playing it by ear.
It started almost two weeks ago when I went into work in the evening to block off some days for students and such. There was a handwritten note on one of our delivery vehicles informing us that there was a kitten up on the spare tire underneath the car,
Yet you control it!
I admit it: I not only had a lava lamp, relatively recently, I plan on getting another pretty soon. I’m not at all into recreational substances or even strong painkillers, but I happen to like watching the fluid flow defined by bright glowing colors, and it’s a nice way to relax. I stumbled across another by accident, many years back when on a whim I outlined my office
Podcast: Too much driving
… but, hey, with good reason at least.
As you might have been able to tell from several hints in the past few posts, I recently took a long road trip up north, specifically to Ohio and New York, and engaged in various activities while thereins. Some of it really
Storytime 35
One day four years back, I was checking out the neighborhood pond and noticed something slightly odd about a tree at the head of one portion of the trail it seemed to have some dry leaves adhering directly to the trunk, which of course is not where you typically see leaves hanging. Had it been anywhere else, I likely would have passed it by without even noticing,
Storytime 34
I’m not even going to tell you what you’re looking at here I’m simply going to let you puzzle it out on your own, given the visual clues within. Then you can tell me the story behind it.
Oh, all right – since you’ve read all this way, which certainly puts you ahead of most webnauts anymore, I suppose I can fill you in. Except, not entirely, because I no longer remember
August just has a bunch of holidays
Unfortunately, despite this number, I neglected to tell you about them ahead of time, for which you may kick me in the shin when you see me next. But until that assault, let’s take a look at some of the holidays we just passed, shall we?
First off, August 8th through the 15th was Go Without Internet Week – don’t ask me why it ran from a Thursday to a Thursday, because