Bad light and good birds

Some weeks back, Buggato and I did a sunrise session down at Jordan Lake, which was an undeniably mixed bag. While we haven’t had rain in forever (seriously, like one five-minute shower since Dorian blew through uneventfully,) the morning was still too cloudy to see the sun at all until well after sunrise, so no rich colors and frameable prints on that end. But before read more

Just because, part 32

Still a little busy, but I wanted to get something up so the blog does not lie fallow, as they say (actually, nobody ever says that, except me now.) So a couple of quick pics and a video (not mine,) while we wait for me to put some actual effort into this whole thinly-veiled-narcissism thing.

First off, a video that The Girlfriend linked me to this morning, a wildlife camera on a particular log in read more

Seriously, what?

I just realized that, a year ago, I posted a pic of a great blue heron seen from the underside as it perched in a tree above my head, and I had the image above sitting in the blog folder waiting on my chance to make a post, so I couldn’t let this go by. Is this the start of an annual routine? Well, I guess we’ll just have to see how often such a thing occurs…

This is instead a great read more

Storytime 27

I’m running a little behind today, since I normally have the storytime post up by now, but I wasn’t feeling very well last night and had several other things to tackle. But it’s not like I’m being audited or anything. I don’t think.

The main image above comes from just barely over nine years ago, taken July 3rd 2010 out over Jordan lake. I’d had some decent success read more

The edge of the world has a dock

It is perhaps best not to ask what actually moors to it…

The night and thus the morning was foggy and I was up early with nothing pressing to do, so I headed down to Jordan Lake to do something interesting with the conditions. I was down there for about two hours I think (I don’t really look at my watch when I’m shooting,) and captured something like 175 images. But, this read more

A quick one from last night

Mostly, I wanted one to break up the numbered post titles, so this is a ‘Just Because’ pic, but those are numbered too, so it’s not. The ‘one’ in this title doesn’t count as a number, just a noun. Or pronoun maybe. Whatever, it doesn’t count. We’re not counting here.

We did a quick session of sunset shooting, which didn’t produce read more

Sunday slide 16

I was originally going to post this one back in the number three slot, but kicked it out because of the lack of color depth you see here – the winter needs no additional grey. Now that things are finally becoming dependably green around here (as you should see within another post or two,) I can go ahead with this.

Jordan Lake is a “manmade” reservoir in the area, with a dam stopping read more

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