Podcast: Need a do-over

Did you ever wonder about the site title, “Wading-In Photography,” and the emphasis on sandals and water and all that?

It’s because I like things shallow.

On an unrelated note, here’s a podcast:

Walkabout podcast – Not A Vacation

Yeah, it could definitely have been read more

Just a wafer thin one

[We’re back out at the beach again.] After the day of rain, we got a little better weather and a nice sunset, still with some high clouds to catch the colors, which in hindsight explains why I didn’t find something sooner – I’d been chiding myself for not paying attention, because I was aware of the moon phases for the trip and the new (dark) moon had fallen just two days read more

Broken promise

So Wednesday’s morning out at the beach got off to a good start…

… and almost immediately devolved into rain that lasted all day. Worse, it got damn cold too. We spent the rest of the day indoors, muttering over the weather and idiotic gas situations, but at least played games in the evening. This video was about everything that I shot.

By the way, I apologize for pointing out in read more

All over the place

Tuesday of last week, out at North Topsail Beach, was a day of widely varied conditions. I was up and on the beach itself for sunrise, but it was a waste of time, the horizon being entirely clouded over even while the upper reaches weren’t too bad. Worse, the spray coming off the ocean was so thick that my glasses became coated with salt, rendering my vision so bad that I couldn’t be read more

Initial ‘snot art

I was going to call these posts ‘Fart Break,’ because as I’ve said, I don’t do art, but then thought, Naah, that’s too gross, so I went with a title that at least spells out that it’s not art. Much better.

Anyway, Buggato’s parting words this morning were, “Work on your art,” but I already had on this trip – here’s the first:

The read more

Some isolated birds

For this post, we’ll hit a handful of scattered birds captured during the beach trip, some of which I’d hoped to snag a wider variety of frames, but it was not to be. Above, however, we have a male boat-tailed grackle (Quiscalus major,) which were impossible to avoid, yet I wasn’t all that interested in capturing their behavior, but the muted light from read more

Grey and green

So let’s see, what to tackle with the first of the beach posts? How about a familiar subject?

We’ll start with sunrise on the first two days. We’d driven out Saturday and met friends out there, so it turned out to be a late night, and I did a little poking around in the dark to see if the marsh crabs were active (they were, a little) but without any intention of doing photography read more

Little bites. Maybe

As intimated in the previous post, we just got back from a week’s stay at the beach, and of course this will be covered in excruciating detail. However, I think I may take a different approach this time, doing shorter posts of singular topics – which means more posts, but of fewer words at a time. Or at least I’ll try this is me read more

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