This Monday color comes from the same outing related here, as a member of the Halictidae family, otherwise known as sweat bees, partakes of the flower of a partridge pea plant (Chamaecrista fasciculata.) It’s funny – I grew up calling them sweat bees like everyone
Month: August 2015
But how? Part 19: The defense against evil
I was working on another post that dealt with clarifying some details about atheism, and the initial premise of this was one of those points. As I started to address it, I realized that it wasn’t going to be covered in a paragraph or two, and so it has become the latest installment in the But How? lineup, to wit: But how does atheism or secularity defend against evil?
What I was originally
Making up
I did almost no shooting this week, but made up for it a little on Saturday when I had two students, though all of these images came from the second session. This month will be a new record for images uploaded, mostly because of this post, but there may still be more.
The opening image is a monarch butterfly caterpillar (Danaus plexippus,) the first I think I’ve seen around here, and
On the negative side 5
Yeah, it’s been one of those not-posting weeks, which is how it goes sometimes. So, once again we dig into the archives, back in the days when I was shooting negative film, before I got serious and switched to slides (much less digital, which came even later.) And so we find ourselves in May, 1994 – geez, over 21 years ago! It doesn’t seem that long at all. A couple
Monday color 29
Today’s Monday color was shot exactly one year ago – tomorrow. I say this now so you have time to find a gift.
I almost used this for a previous Monday color, because that week was when I introduced the page of editing tricks that features
Looking back, part five
This is the last of the ‘Looking back’ posts – calm down, calm down, you knew it had to end – because I’m considering myself caught up now these pics were taken the day before the first in the series. But now that we’ve gotten a little space and variety
Looking back, part four
We continue our quest to catch up with these images from only nine days ago – yeah, make any comments you like – when a torrential rain came through not long before sunset, followed immediately by a break in the clouds. Knowing what that meant, I trotted outside and, sure enough, there was a prominent rainbow, probably the best I’ve ever seen. It was the classic full-on
What are they hiding?!
This one is born out of a post on Mental Floss – or at least, that’s the most recent thing to provoke the thoughts the attitude is remarkably common and can be found connected to countless topics. In short: if a government agency or some otherwise
Looking back, part three
Catching up is taking a lot longer than anticipated, but a lot of that has to do with being busy with other things, among them updating the materials for the photo students, who come first (well, no, The Girlfriend comes first, but the students are still ahead of the blog.) I’ve also tried to space out the photos with a couple of critical-thinking posts, but the flow
Monday color 28
No exact species for this one, just a crocus planted by The Girlfriend’s Younger Sprog at the old place last year, a welcome bit of early spring color while nearly everything else was dismal. But for giggles, we’ll boldly defy the topic and go monochrome, in a special way.
This is the same image, converted to greyscale, but with one important distinction: