Scattered, in all directions

Once again down at the lake (actually, most of the lake photos all came from the same day, but still unrelated and random,) I heard the passing of a jet and looked around, but didn’t think a whole lot of it because the lake sits near the approach corridors for the nearest major airport and this happens all the time. But then in the search for more birdlife, I looked almost directly overhead read more

Oh thank you

After spending far too much time seeing countless online displays of American hubris and mindless patriotism for the holiday yesterday, I ran across this little gem.

While I’m not familiar with the specific episode, I feel obligated to say that this is Diane Morgan as her character Philomena Cunk, the host of a few shows that interview various historical experts while being read more

Oh, gosh, another one

I was just glancing down at the clock and calendar of the computer after completing a stack of tasks tonight and said to myself, Thirty days has September, April, shit. Because of course it’s time for the end of the month abstract and I didn’t have anything prepared.

Not only that, but I shot extremely little this month, for reasons that will eventually become clearer, though it won’t read more

Exactly/mostly as feared/intended

I don’t know who comes up with these holidays, I really don’t – it’s makes little sense to celebrate something so banal. Why don’t we have National Spaghetti Day or Stay Away From Seattle Day while we’re at it?

[Oh. We do.]

But anyway, today/yesterday is/was Encounter Extraordinary/Rotten Luck Day, and since there read more

You can’t escape

Normally, I avoid the ‘popular’ news items (or, for that matter, nearly all news items) because frankly, there are enough sources for such out there and I certainly don’t need to offer my two pfennigs, much less jump on any bandwagon, and I have established my own typical subject matter herein anyway – stay in your lane, kind of thing. At this point in time, however, the read more

No foolin’

I said I’d be back to ‘fess up, and I keep my word – eventually, anyway. I mean, there’s still time to make good on some of those things in my past…

In this case, however, we’re talking about the month-end abstract. But first, another image from the same session, to see if this helps things along any.

Is it more evident now? I can’t know if read more

Not March

And so we find ourselves at the end of a slowish and lackluster month, which needs to be saved by the end-of-month abstract – a tall order, for sure. Will it be able to rescue us from this dismal month? Let’s see:

Well, that’s certainly… dynamic, I guess. Intriguing. I dunno, what would you call it?

In fact, I’m not going to tell you what this is, even though I knew it read more

Just once, part 13

While I have numerous images of plant species that have appeared only once in the blog, I feel that most of them are not strong enough to build a single post around – I have plenty of plant images that I find strong enough, but they’re all of species that have appeared multiple times. So not only has this species only appeared once, it might be the single representative read more

Boy, do I feel better!

I’ve been dreading the arrival of this day, but now that I’ve unloaded it all, this huge weight has lifted from my mind. Not that you need to be told, but today is ‘Fess Up Day, the day when we reveal some secret hidden deep within the recesses of our hearts, festering away, and thus unburden ourselves for improved mental health. Or set ourselves up for a week read more

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