Too cool, part 49: Genetics and Human Evolution

Professor Ceiling Cat Emeritus (sometimes known as Dr. Jerry Coyne) over at Why Evolution Is True brought this one up, and normally I’d just send you over there for this, but it relates directly to a few posts that I’ve done in the past, so I went ahead an embedded it here.

Dr. Matthew Cobb read more

Podcast: Nostalgia

Been meaning to get to this one for a while – just trying to find the right window. So here it is – completely unrelated to photography, arthropods, amphibians, and education. Let’s get all nostalgic now.

Walkabout podcast – Nostalgia

By the way, I speculated that this was the fourth for the year, which was way off, being half-again more advanced at sixth. Which doesn’t read more

Going critical

I’ve been considering this post for far too long now not whether or not it should be done, but the most effective approach to the topic, finally realizing that there is no one effective approach to anything. Additionally, the threat of playing pop psychologist was arising, something that already does a lot of damage, but then I realized that it couldn’t cause anywhere read more

Just so you know you missed them

In a few days at the end of the month, both the southern delta Aquariids and the alpha Capricornids (both meteor showers, and that’s apparently the way you should capitalize them) will be peaking, though I really should have told you about this earlier, because now the moon will be still a bit bright and visibility thus greatly reduced for all but the brightest meteors – both were ‘active’ read more

New York: The… somethings…

It’s been a while getting to this point, because I had to shoot some video for it, which took even longer because I had to reshoot one of the clips when it turned out badly, and then of course all the editing and voiceover hoohah that goes along with it.

Anyway, what we’re talking about today are fossils. On the trip up to central New York last month, I got the chance to revisit a fossil read more

Throw numbers in the air

Over at Universe Today there’s an article about rewriting Drake’s Equation, and after reading it some time earlier, it’s been stewing in my mind a little potential posts about it have changed several times, and resulted in this one.

Long story short: an astronomer named Frank Drake wrote out a simple equation, back in the sixties, to examine the possibility of read more

Hmmm, what to do?

Friday, May 21st is Endangered Species Day, which to a wildlife photographer almost amounts to a challenge, and generally, a pretty tough one: get photos of at least one endangered species. Of course, they’re endangered because there aren’t many of them, and thus read more

Now it’s been 60

That’s right – sixty years ago today, Yuri Gagarin from the Soviet Union became the first human in space, and the first to orbit the Earth, and the first to scare the hell out of some Russian farmers when he landed, mostly due to the secrecy that the Soviet space program maintained. I’ve covered my thoughts on this accomplishment, and the space race in general, read more

That story I mentioned

So in the wildlife rehab post recently, I mentioned a story about a grey squirrel and that I may explain it in detail later. That post was first made in 2013, then reposted in 2014 and again in 2021, and I am now getting around to relating that story I figure eight years is enough to build the suspense…

At the time, I worked for a humane society that tackled a lot of projects, among them wildlife read more

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