You’re a Grand Ol’ Tag

Oh great, you got the kid singing! I hope you’re happy now!

Oh, yeah, it’s January, isn’t it? That makes it time for the tag roundup. On your run-of-the-mill, everyday blog with, you know, real posts, tags just serve to help people (or search engines, or marketing bots) find ‘relevant’ content (like that’s a thing,) but here, they additionally serve as read more

Not unexpected

Yesterday, the Immortal-So-Far Mr Bugg and I went back down to the lake to see what was going on, which was, “Not a lot.” We got a handful of photos, and spotted four different bald eagles though in pre-sunrise conditions, so far too dark to be worthwhile in the slightest. However, there was one particular discovery that bears highlighting here. Maybe. I don’t know – are read more