Not even a work day

Well, not for maybe 50% of the work force, anyway. If you have to work that day, well, make the most of it.

Once again, just when things are looking their darkest, the holiday rolls around – yes, tomorrow is National Grouch Day, and we all know who we are – now read more

Branching out

This has been a while in the making, but not half as long as I’d imagined it might be. Short story: I now have a new page up with some 3D printed accessories for nature photography.

These are my own designs, except where they’re remixes of someone else’s designs, and I expect that page to be updated semi-regularly – there’s a definite benefit to creating my own accessories, read more

Snoozing in the sun

I have a post coming up that revolves around some updates, which then required more updates, so this is dragging out longer than intended, but it should be along soon. For now, we have a capture during a break today, the same trumpet flower plant from the previous post (whose occupant is still hanging about, undoubtedly thinking more mantids will be along soon.) This time, the subject remained read more

Just because, part 50

I was over at the neighborhood pond today doing a few tests, and had a great egret (Ardea alba) spooked by one of the ubiquitous dog-walkers fly over close to my position, then continually stalk closer. I would credit this to my amazing abilities to remain unseen, had I not been far from motionless in plain sight and talking to The Girlfriend on the phone during the egret’s read more

Who am I kidding?

As Hurricane Ian passed through the area, we fared pretty well overall – we’re far enough inland and, even though it passed closer than all predictions up until less than a day ahead of time, it had lost most of its energy by the time it hit central NC. We heard gusting winds from time to time, but not terribly fierce, and all that dropped in the yard were small branches (and acorns read more

Curious origins

Back when I was young and impressionable (as opposed to now when I’m old and cynical,) The Six Million Dollar Man debuted, and like many kids of that time, I was hooked. Not only did I make it a point not to miss an episode, my friend and I ripped around doing great feats of strength with items that gave the barest impression of being heavy and/or sturdy (and only occasionally running read more

Not doing that again

When doing that otter video, it obviously needed some kind of peppy, frivolous, ottery background music, which I don’t think I have available anywhere in my music collection, so I went searching through the royalty-free offerings online. It took about 20 minutes of listening to clips before I located the one that I wanted to use, but then there was an issue: it was only 105 read more

That could be it

Chris Corlew wrote in a recent article on Cracked:

I think all artists could benefit from doing “catch and release” stuff from time to time. Write a poem no one ever hears, sketch a picture no one ever sees, compose a song no one ever sings. Kinda like a Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandala. Practice your craft for craft’s sake.

Yeah. That’s what I’m doing. That makes it read more

Just because, part 49

I was down at the lake the other day doing some tests, which you’ll hear more about eventually, and noticed that there appeared to have been a mass emigration from the waters recently. Along the lake edges, the sand would suddenly hop away at my approach – not all of it, mind you, just certain select and very small portions. I had the long lens affixed and was reluctant to change it read more

Odd memories, part 26

This is one of those that, I suspect, most of those hearing don’t really believe, but at one time I had proof. Not that that means a lot, since I think it’s vanished now, but a select handful of people got to hear it.

While I was in my late teens I became an uncle for the first time, and before my niece was talking, she was talking. By that I mean, she uttered absolute gibberish, read more

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