Paalam, January!

I have a confession to make: I shot nothing even remotely resembling an abstract this month. We’re going with archive images to see January off on its ice floe.

Annnndd this isn’t really all that abstract, though I like it anyway. It comes from way back in 2004, I believe in Duke Forest, but someone may recognize that sun from somewhere else, and I’ll read more

Trying not to make too much noise

I know you were wondering if I was going to show any recognition whatsoever here on the blog that this week is/was Expand on Initial Experiments Week, where you sit down with something that you’d tried out before and build upon it, whether it be a recipe, some new electronic device, or seeing how long certain kinds of pasta will stick to the ceiling. Considering that the week read more

Oh, yeah, forgot about this one

We have a late entry for the month-end abstract:

Technically, it’s an early entry, since it was shot on August 31st, though after the month-end image for August had already posted. I’d cropped and saved it just for this purpose, if I didn’t find one more appropriate in the interim, and then forgot about it until I was skimming the blog folder. It comes read more

Boy, that was fast!

That month just flew past, didn’t it? But here we are at the end-of-the-month abstract, so let’s see what—

Hold on, I’m being informed that we’re nowhere near the end of the month, so this image can not be the end-of-the-month abstract unless I wait quite a while longer, and I’m not going to do that, so this is the… fourth… day…

Whatever. It’s read more

May ain’t over yet

Because we haven’t had the month end abstract, have we? Okay, then…

This one was of course instantly in the running, and I purposefully shot it to enhance this effect, going as wide as possible. The little inlet of Jordan Lake was remarkably still, especially for late morning, and the light angle worked for it, so here we are. It helped that I was on a bridge that provided read more

You’ve done enough, April

Why, look – it is the end of yet another month! Boy, they just don’t seem to last anymore, do they? Back in my day, months lasted a month and a half, especially during the school year. They weren’t made in China, either.

But this means it’s abstract time. You still have a chance to redeem yourself, April, if you pony up the goods right now.

That… almost read more

Just because, part 46

An outing to Jordan Lake yesterday was remarkably unproductive, but I managed a few frames of minor merit, and we have one here (demonstrating that my definition of “merit” isn’t influenced by Merriam, Wagnalls, Webster, or Funk – and no, that’s not where “funky” comes from, and you probably don’t want to know the actual etymology read more

Segregation has its uses

Not among different races or cultures of people, of course – that’s just stupid, a sign of hopeless immaturity, actually. But among certain substances, it can be quite useful. Like among oil and water.

That’s what we’re looking at here of course, small droplets of vegetable oil in a shallow glass pan of water. That’s because today (the fifth Monday in read more

January’s a little ripe

That’s right, it’s the last day of January, and so we have our time-honored tradition here on Walkabout of seeing out the month with an abstract. What kind of abstract do you have for us, January?

Well, we got… bubbles… or something. Water drops, maybe. A drastic overuse of some Photoshop filter. Contrast and circles, anyway. Can’t get a whole lot more read more

Out at the same time

Checking the cupboards over carefully, it appears that we have not only used up all of our December, we finally made it through the family-sized box of 2021 as well – don’t you love it when they both run out together? So to celebrate, we have our end-of-month/end-of-year abstract.

I really should let you figure this one out on your own, because you look like you’re read more

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