I know we’ve all been looking forward to this holiday for the past month at least, so we gonna fire it up now! Today for Do Some Creative Editing Day, we’re gonna tackle some simple photo tricks.
I’ve covered converting images to monochrome before,
I know we’ve all been looking forward to this holiday for the past month at least, so we gonna fire it up now! Today for Do Some Creative Editing Day, we’re gonna tackle some simple photo tricks.
I’ve covered converting images to monochrome before,
Instead of hitting Topsail Beach again for our early summer vacation trip this year, we opted for coastal South Carolina instead, mostly because The Girlfriend wanted to see Brookgreen Gardens, but there was enough other stuff in the area that I could find plenty to do
A few weeks back, the short-weeked Mr Bugg and I did a photo outing, a little early in the season when things weren’t quite up to speed, that nevertheless netted a handful of useful images, and I simply haven’t sat down to write up a post featuring them yet. Now, with a much-more successful outing
There are all sorts of ways that people determine the “official” start of spring: the vernal equinox, the calendar, the first species of some damn songbird, spring break, the first whatsit flower, and so on. They’re all nonsense, as far as I’m concerned (and who else’s opinion should you need?) The real sign of spring is the appearance of the treefrogs.
As I said, I have a handful of photos from 2018 that never made it to posts, plus I might add a couple more from even earlier that have just been sitting in that folder – dunno yet, we’re still in the first sentence. And yes, I know you’ve probably had it up to here with all of the “Let’s look back” shit that’s all over the place, but what do you
I’m trying to get back into shooting a little more regularly, not at all helped by not seeing much to shoot, not having a lot of free time that isn’t taken up with projects, and now not having the best weather. And yet, despite those overwhelming difficulties, I can still come through in the clutch!
[Ahem] Anyway, I snagged just a handful of frames this past evening, most of
You know how you look down at the odometer of your car and realize that you just missed seeing it turn over some major rounded number, like 100,000 kilometers or something? Well, this is nothing at all like that.
Okay, no, it kinda is, because you’re looking at the 50,000 image that I shot on the Canon 30D. Five years ago I announced
I have been meaning to do this for a while now, and have no real excuse for how long it took to get to it. It took no time at all once I sat down to work on it.
This is a combination of two projects, really. The first is the macro softbox, which is still in routine use because
I’ve had a small handful of posts (how many is that? What do posts mass? How many fit in an average hand?) in the works for several days, trying to get enough time to sit down and work on them, so this is evidence of them to some extent – there’s going to be a lot of photos in this one. But some of that is due to conditions, too.
It is perfectly expected to be mired in the lingering
What that title means is that I’m here, but you’d never be able to tell, at least not from my posting or indeed from the number of photos that I’ve shot recently. There’s been too much going on, yet not anything worth mentioning here (and you know that’s not exactly a high bar.)
I got out, very briefly, in the past couple of days to do a few pics, even though the fall