
Okay, it’s not that bad, but we are gonna go with some older photos here.

Going back through the folders, I found a couple of photos that I felt I should feature, and now I’ve finally got the time and inclination to do so – been buried in a few other projects for a bit. So let’s take a peek at a photo subject from 2005.

I came across this black rat snake, or read more

Profiles of Nature 1

I know you’ve been sitting there wondering if I’m actually going to do a weekly topic this year, and I’ve been wondering that myself. I was thinking of featuring something from the film archives again, but with the system change I haven’t gotten the scanner working yet, so we’re skipping that idea for the time being. And I could always just keep going with the ‘On read more

Cleaning out the fridge

I mentioned earlier that I might do this, and you’d hoped that I wouldn’t, I know, but here it is anyway because I’m sadistic. In sorting video clips, I realized I had a handful (well, 25) that I’d been pleased to get – they just weren’t enough to justify editing and uploading, and while I’d waited to see if I’d get some more to make a complete read more

Tag ’em and bag ’em

Yes indeed, it’s time for the annual tag roundup, where we examine a collection of solitary and lonely tags to… uh… find out just how lame my humor is. I know you’ve been looking forward to it.

To explain for those who have, amazingly, never encountered this blog before: Tags are those little descriptors at the bottom of each post that help people find related read more

On this date – like, right now

It’s pretty late at night/early in the morning on christmas, and I stepped out back to find something in the backyard (don’t ask.) It’s been raining like a mofo here for the past 24 hours, with some tornado warnings even, but the temperature’s been surprisingly warm – not for very long, so the meteorologists say, yet right now it’s not uncomfortable at all, if read more

K? K

As promised in the last post, this one now ties the record for the most posts made in a year, so everything after this is gravy, and whatever photo I put here will be the 1,000th picture uploaded for the year. Which is pretty damn good, I have to admit, but it has a few caveats. As always, there’s a small handful that were other peoples’ images, and some odds-and-ends stolen from the read more

Must be Saturday

… and the Bay City Rollers are excited.

The first Saturday in November is Desaturate Day, as everyone knows. Well, everyone not living under a rock with worm tunnels between their ears, anyway. And thus I’m here to inspire you to wash out, go drab, and reduce it all down to black and white, because everything is simpler that way – for a given definition of “simple,” read more

Closer and closer, inexorably

“Inexorably.” I don’t use that word often enough…

Anyway, the autumn colors are advancing, day by day, and I spent just a little time over at the nearby pond to chase some of them. They’re still a bit patchy, and will likely remain that way, as the earlier trees turn and drop all of their leaves, then later trees do the same, and so on. Actually, I was on the interstate read more

In due time

Two days and fifteen photos ago, I posed a challenge to find a hidden subject, and this is the reveal. Eventually. Gotta stick with my narrative.

Five weeks ago, I photographed a pair of half-sized, juvenile green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) hanging around the front lawn area read more

Skill Level 2

Okay, how about now?

Can you spot what I was photographing yesterday, as I was putting up the Halloween decorations (why I don’t know, because we’re not going to have trick-or-treaters this year I’m sure, which means the book stockpile isn’t going to go down either.) This one’s a little harder than the last one, so take your time.

Of course we’re going in closer.

read more

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