I’m in the middle of a couple of projects, plus there hasn’t been a lot to shoot, plus I did enough posts this year not to worry about it, so it’ll be a little slow here on the ol’ bloggoboro. I will probably have a podcast shortly, that I actually did research for (!) so take heart or something. But I’ve been looking at this leaf for a few days now, and decided
Category: Random
Somehow, not bothered
Dittyday 4: Ivan Neville
It’s been a while since the last installment, but then again, I never intended to be on any kind of schedule with this. Today we’re going to hear from a singer with a lot of musical background, having been in several different bands over the years (including the wonderfully named Dumpstaphunk,) but the two songs that I’m featuring here were from his solo career, peeking
Fixed that
There are a lot of blogs out there that amount to something only slightly more elaborate than a diary or journal, with a lot of personal examination and coping with issues and so on. I’m not disparaging these at all, because I’m sure they help a lot of people – it’s just never been for me. I don’t usually feel comfortable airing my personal issues here, and it’s
C’mon, guys!
I was just going through the main site’s gallery to locate something, and noticed that several of the thumbnails and gallery photos were rotated incorrectly, displaying in horizontal format rather than the intended vertical, due to weird default settings in the ‘Orientation’ EXIF info and the program
More of the shit I get up to
Back in 2015, I raised a question, or at least, pointed out that an answer could be determined, based on the details visible within a photo shown therein, reproduced in more detail below:
This was a photo that I took, with my cheesy little camera and crappy print film, while on a training seminar to Nashville, Tennessee, and in the post, I claimed that the date could be determined
Redirect II
I’ve already used that title, so this is junior. I’ve got plenty of stuff to post but not enough time to do them justice, and I didn’t want to let the day slip past on this hugely, unquestionably momentous date, and so I’ll link to a post from years back. 84 years ago today, Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan failed to make their rendezvous at Howland Island on their
Dittyday 3: Gotta have the funk
I’ll be featuring three songs this fine day, and will estimate that the majority of readers, should any such creature exist, will be familiar with only one – but that particular one might be different among different readers, and I’ll explain shortly. Yet they all have their appeal and should certainly be better known. Let’s do this in reverse order, with the most recent
Odd memories, part 25
Wow, it’s been over a year since the last – that’s disturbing, because I have odd memories, like, a lot I’ll leave it to you to determine if this lapse is deplorable or welcome. This one goes way back, to before I left New York, and
Soon, soon
I’ve been trying to get to a couple of posts, but there have been numerous outside projects to be tackled (which are coming along fine, and some even completed) and so the time just hasn’t been there. And I’m exhausted right now, so I’m sneaking in a little very late Sunday color, largely because it doesn’t fit with any other topic in the works, and promising that more