Sorting finds n+11

I’d put off this sort a little too long, especially since I’m getting new pics pretty much daily, so I had to slog through over 1,700 images this time – it took a while. But naturally, I ran across a few to feature that I hadn’t immediately put to a blog post, and here we are.

This… is a sparrow. I think. What species of sparrow, I read more


Just the last handful of photos from Tennessee and New York, no real theme to be found.

We didn’t do a lot of sightseeing or exploring on this trip, partially because we had to spend a lot of it traveling, partially because it was freaking hot in Tennesee. On Wednesday I believe, we moseyed over to David (Davey) Crockett’s Birthplace State Park, just to poke around a bit, but read more

Trekking through the deep wilds

Well, okay, that might be giving a slightly overblown idea of the efforts, since all but one of these images were taken within seven meters of the front door here at Walkabout Estates. The one exception? Within seven meters of the back door. But I have a few spring photos handy and I’m gonna use them (in between more raptor images, so there’s a dual purpose.)

We’ll start with one read more

And a crayfish, briefly

National Wildlife Day, which was yesterday, was actually a pretty nice day for February, nicer than February actually deserves because it’s in winter and also spelled stupidly. And since I had a photo outing scheduled, I succeeded in getting plenty of photos of wildlife, if by ‘wildlife’ you mean ‘birds,’ with one exception. A moderate variety of birds too, at least read more

That’s a first

I’ve heard of this happening, seen a few photos online, but this is the first time I’ve seen it for myself.

Now I finally have one that I can tell apart from the others…

Some reptiles can regrow limbs, most especially the tails, if they lose them to predators the skinks can drop them at will, where the severed tail, often brightly-colored, will writhe madly and read more

Junk drawer

Time to clean out the things that I’ve been holding onto for too long. Well, it hasn’t been that long for these, really, I’ve just been neglecting to post them in a more timely manner. So let’s do them in order, shall we?

This is possibly a pearl crescent butterfly (Phyciodes tharos,) or it might be another of three or four more species that look read more

Been a while since we had arthropods

I think it has, anyway – I’m not going back to check, and this is what I have to feature regardless. Could have posted this Saturday night, if it hadn’t been for an extended phone call.

Atop a potted hydrangea bush on the back deck I spotted this little guy:

Nothing remarkable, not very big (about 5-7mm body length,) doing nothing in particular. I can only tell you read more

Brief public appearance

I ventured out today, partially to get some exercise, partially to see what there might be to photograph, but mostly to see if I could find any mantis egg cases. I was completely foiled in that primary goal, not spotting even one, but I snagged a handful of photos, including some most unexpected, so not a total loss. But yes, the quest for egg cases goes on…

For now, we have what can be found read more

Profiles of Nature 31

You tell us, which is most horrid: The dread of the impending Profiles post, or the content that exceeds your worst imagination?

Doesn’t matter, really – we only ask to try and sound like we care. Today we meet the lovely and talented Zlatina: singer, dancer, actress, writer, and budding politician, along with her husband Wyeduck, who’s had a small part in two bombed read more

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